Wednesday, August 3, 2016

All Lives Matter!

We've all seen the marches, the protests, etc., of the group "Black Lives Matter." 

During a DNC event, one of the democratic candidates, said, "All Lives Matter," and two women took the microphone & yelled and screamed at the crowd about it being "Black Lives" that matter, no other lives, which is just preposterous. Jesus loves us all equally, but as He so eloquently stated,"A house divided against itself cannot stand!" (Mark 3:25).

This country is greatly divided. I don't want to place blame on anybody, because I believe that ultimately, God is in control! He wants us to "love one another," not hate each other, or judge each other. We need to start in our communities, even if it's a block at a time, and start coming together, or we're going to tear each other apart.

I believe it's part of the church's mission to pray with them, invite them to church, and offer them a job, even if it's just doing yard work that you don't have time to do. We should also be teaching them what we know! The bible is very clear that we are to learn from those a generation or two ahead of us.

Paul said, "You who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another because "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." (1 Peter  5:5).

It might take a lot of patience, but I believe we can begin to heal this racial rift through prayer as well as kind, loving and respectful behavior towards everyone, especially our law enforcement officers. Yes, Blue Lives DO Matter! As Rudy Giuliani put it, they don't care what color you are, they just come to help you when you call!

The unborn matter too and I pray every day that someday, abortion will be such a disgusting practice that every abortion clinic on the planet will have to close their doors!

We're very near to the Rapture of the Church. The days are indeed, getting shorter and shorter. I am STUNNED in amazement at how quickly things are going! Once Jesus returns for us, His Bride, the Church? He will wipe every tear from our eyes, and escort us through the pearly gates and welcome us to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!

Whether you are an African American, Latino, Asian, German, Russian, Middle Eastern, etc., etc., YOUR LIFE MATTERS! It matters to God and it matters to our Savior, Jesus Christ, so it also matters to me! 

"Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world." Ray Stevens.

"If we gotta start sometime, I say now."

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JeriAnn Eakin