Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Moment of Prayer

Forgive me Jesus for every time I take my eyes off of you?  Because every time I do, bad things begin to happen in my life.  From a driver who cuts me off and ruins my day, to a small argument with one of my children, or that old sinking feeling I always get when there is a wall between us.  I love you so much, and You know me so well, You know I wouldn't do those things on purpose, that it's just my human nature, my flesh, coming out, that part of me I thought I had crucified, that was dead and buried, but keeps popping back up every now and again, causing problems, wreaking havoc in my life.

Please Lord, have your way in me?  All I want is You!  I am prepared to do whatever it is you need of me Lord, whatever that may be. Help me to remember that obedience has rewards, I've seen them for myself so I know that it's true.  Help me to sacrifice even the things I really need so that I may be able to give more to your Church.  Lord, you have just been so good to me that I really want to do more for you and if given the opportunity, I will, you know I will Lord.

Finally, please help me to crucify this flesh that keeps getting me into that place where I can't see you or hear you?  Get myself out of the way so that I might be more like you and do what it is You would have me do?  Please forgive me for being less than you expect of me and for not trying harder, for not listening, or heeding Your voice or heeding your Word.  I know I will have to give account for my actions someday.

Help me get free.  I need You Holy Father.  Break the chains and set me free.

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JeriAnn Eakin