Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More than Conquerors for We Are Never Alone!

If you are a saved believer or are a believer who has lost your way, come back and conquer that in your life which you have yet to conquer!  Jesus is still there, waiting for you to finish what you and He started together!  He's never left us, we're the ones who always leave Him!

So what is it that makes us Conquerors?  Jesus already conquered sin and death by his death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.  But some of us need a little "resurrecting" ourselves, don't you think?  He conquered sin and gave us a way to communicate with our Father in Heaven by giving Himself for us, so that we would always have a a way to be with Him!  Even here in this room as I write this post, He is with me.  I can actually feel His presence as I type, for He is the one who gives me the words and He wants you to come Home!  It is time to put away the foolish and live wisely for the days are short!

Sometimes I wonder what it is that made any of us worthy of God coming to earth in Human Form, to live with us, get to know us, to die for us?  What made us worthy of that?  Seems I struggle with that question a lot.  With all the sin I have committed during my life I cannot help but wonder what in the world we could have done that made us worthy of what He did for us, but then with Jesus?  Everything is just so very simple.

It was His love.  Yeah.  Love.  Love for his Creation. He was met by Satan at the top of a mountain and tempted with all the Kingdoms of this world that would ever exist...all He had to do was bow down and worship at the devil's feet, but the cost would have been too great!  The cost would have been us!  He could have bowed down and in doing so, passed that bitter cup of the Cross, but He didn't!  He went through with it anyway, because He knew without Him, there would be no hope for us.  And Jesus, above all, wanted us to know that He loved us and in His death for us, He prayed it would give us all an everlasting HOPE that in Him, we would never die!  (John 3:16).

Well....do you Hope much?  For your day?  Life?  A family member to recover from an illness...without Christ's death on the cross, every bit of hope we have in life would've never existed!  He gave it to us when He gave Himself for us on the Cross at Calvary!  He died so that we might live and live forever.  Therein, lies the HOPE we were given at the Cross and should all have as believers.  It is that same hope that we pass on to non believers who come into the family through FAITH in Jesus death, burial and resurrection from the dead.

That makes us more than CONQUERORS it makes us FOREVER VICTORIOUS!  Even the smallest of victories like getting that neighbor you've been waving at for four months to finally wave back and smile at you simply for your tenacity and that you NEVER GAVE UP????  Yeah, even in those kind of victories, GOD IS THERE!  He didn't make us a bunch of WIMPS he made us STRONGER THAN STEEDS!  And even though He made us as strong as could be, when the road is rocky, and we need help, He is always there. We are never alone! (I know, because sometimes, even when I want Him to, He won't leave me alone!  Yikes Lord!  ah...your gentle touch..how could I possibly complain?  I love you so much Jesus!). 

Have hope.  Have faith.  But above all...have lots and lots of LOVE!  For it is the only thing that will last and never ever forget, you are never going to be without a best friend, for that is what He is to me.  My best friend.  Sometimes?  My only friend.  And I love Him very deeply, and I am falling for Him, more and more each day.  

You should give Him a call.  I hear a lot of people call on Him for his loving friendship all the time!  They are happier people for doing so.  Coming into full obedience to Him is like a Freedom undefinable.  You fear you will lose something?  Ohhhh you don't know what you're missing...for it is what you GAIN from that obedience that is so amazingly awesome!

Love God.  Give Him yourself completely, for He has never left your side since the moment you first took a breath, which he breathed into your lungs Himself when you were born, which to me proves, we have never been alone!

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JeriAnn Eakin