Friday, August 24, 2012

Are you Called to be a Watcher?

Ever since late April, God has been reaching out to me - in fact, when I speak with Him, it's more like "Praying without Ceasing!"  (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  I am hearing about the times we live in, and the things that are coming - I read my bible, I watch biblical TV on iTunes all day long because I just can't get enough of GOD or His Word!

There has to be a reason for that and I believe it is because I have been called.  Most of the posts on this blog have been about Jesus returning soon!  There was one post I wrote in particular, "Romancing the Bride,"   well that one just kind of says it all about the journey I have been on since late April and the things the Lord has been whispering to me in secret!

Please pray before you watch this video from Hal Lindsey and may God Bless you all with His peace, grace and knowledge so that you might understand and know the lateness of the hour, and have the boldness to share it with others who may be dying in sin.

Keep planting seeds, for they will be watered very quickly through the Holy Spirit and your rewards in Heaven shall be great!  God Bless you as you watch.  

Be still and know that He is God!  (Psalm 46:10). 

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JeriAnn Eakin