Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Prayer for The Fool

Dear Heavenly Father, I bring you a special request tonight.  A prayer for a fool who can't see the right thing to do.  A fool who cheats on their wife/husband.  A fool who spends their family's money unwisely, being selfish, purchasing only for self, rather than the needs of family, much like our government, spending more money than there is in the bank.  I pray for the fool who looks to government as the answer to their problems when government is the problem.

I pray for the fool who sees the truth and calls it lies.  I pray for the fool who waxes wise on others, yet in his or her own actions is seen by others as the fools they are, leaving them looking like the Emperor in his new clothes.  A complete sham of a person, void of conscience, full of calamity and disgrace.

I pray for the fools.  I pray for the idolaters.  I pray for those who put themselves before others and before God.  I pray for those who have to deal with them every day, their husband, their wife, their bosses, their children, their neighbors and their friends, even their Pastor at church who simply does not know what to say to snap them out of their foolishness and ignorant ways.

We see what we want to see.  We do what we want to do.  We listen to what and who we want to listen to, and by selective hearing, leave out what will help us the most.  The truth.  The truth about honor, love, integrity, character and most importantly, Godliness.

There is only one man I know of that I can truly say was NEVER a fool.  I never got to meet him, but I feel I have met him through a few books I have read, one in particular written from his own journals.  He led his men through the "gates of hell" at Valley Forge in the Revolutionary War and was the only man in the United States to ever be unanimously elected as President, and then the first and only President to run for re-election unopposed by a challenger for his office.  When asked to serve as President, even though he was tired and asked the question, "haven't I done enough for my country?"  he continued to serve, taking the highest seat of governance in our Country.  He was a man of impeccable integrity, strength, character, humility and Godly wisdom.

As our First President, he is most frequently referred to as the "Father of our Country," and yet never fathered one child of his own, although he married a widow and did have 2 step children.  When I was just 18, another George Washington type was elected as our country's President.  Maybe not a full on version, but Ronald Wilson Reagan was no man's fool either.  I came to love him like a father, thinking if George was the "Father of our Country" doesn't that make every man who is ever standing in that office the father of his country's current generation? I didn't want to elect him, but I learned to love him, and cried like a baby for days when he passed away in June 2004.  Because of what he taught me, I was able with time to heal my relationship with my own dad who is now 81.  I greatly love and respect him because, even if he made mistakes early in life as many of us do, he is no man's fool either, and though he tried to teach me how not to be foolish when I was younger, I was spoiled, indignant and stupid in my younger years, choosing not to listen.  It took a long time to understand the things he tried to teach me and not until this current administration did I realize how wrong it is to spend more than you have in the bank as you live paycheck to paycheck, or tax day to tax day, never saving for a rainy day.

I made a lot of foolish mistakes, some that I dearly wish I could take back, but cannot.  I see a government now making the same types of mistakes, only on a much grander scale to the tune of 16 trillion dollars of debt.  Thankfully, my children are smart, although a few of them could use a few Reaganomics lessons from Art Laffer, they all work, are productive and none of them take a Government check, except for one.  My oldest son, who is a member of the United States Army and is a 3 tour veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan.  A true war hero, and if you ask me?  They don't pay him nearly enough!

Lord, I pray for myself, and those around me.  I pray for my children, my parents, my countrymen, my neighbor's, my local business owners and my Pastor, who has to deal with all of us fools on so many occasions.  I pray for all of us, that on the 2nd Tuesday in November, we will all #1 = vote.  #2 = vote our conscience but most of all and most importantly, #3 = be wise about our choices.  Our country depends upon it, for we are most assuredly running out of time. 

Most importantly God, please bless us all with courage, conviction, wisdom and above all else, love for one another and may you also please continue to bless the United States of America!

"If we ever forget we are One Nation Under God, 
we will be a Nation gone under."  
Ronald Wilson Reagan,
40th President of the United States.

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JeriAnn Eakin