Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Prayer Request

I am living in darkness, confusion and a great deal of physical pain due to fibromyalgia.  My prayer request somehow got passed over at church tonight and while I'm sure it was an honest mistake, I am the only one saying any at the moment and I could use a few more because it's excruciating!  It started half way through tonight's service.  It seems there are a lot of people who just don't understand this disease, the symptoms, the horrific things that come with it, it's not just one disease, it's a combination of several!  Sounds fun don't it?  

I've been praying for relief for five years and nothing the doctors have tried has worked.  There are just some days I feel like I don't know how much more I can take.  The emotional issues with my ex are enough, and I have this disease which keeps me tied to him for every thing I have.  It really sucks all the way around.  

I'm sorry Lord I don't mean to complain.  I just feel unwanted as usual, like I have all my life, and nobody seems to want to pray for my problem, and nobody else wants me because of my illness.  I just don't know how much longer I can take this physical, emotional, geesh, everything in my life hurts right now.  Please forgive me Jesus, but I hurt so much, I really just want to come home.  Please just take me home?

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JeriAnn Eakin