Thursday, August 16, 2012

Calvary's Cross In Us All

Thank you Father for showing me what you needed me to see a few weeks ago about the difference between bare wood and beautifully stained finished wood, and how the devil uses what is pretty and "finished" to deceive us into moving away from the amazing "rare raw wood" that is not yet finished, but just barely beginning the process of being truly finished by Your own hands into what You mean for that piece of wood to become.  There are smaller separate pieces, those humble little pieces of wood from the Cross of Calvary within all of those who believe, who are waiting for Your hand to work in us,  "finishing" us into that beautiful piece of wood that you intend for us to be!  For, "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 1:6). 

O Lord, you are changing me in such a way that I can hardly grasp it.  For "such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.  Where can I go from your Spirit?  Where can I flee from your presence? (Psalm 139:6-7).  The humility...the grace.. the honesty, the admonishment followed by love, laughter and joy.  This little church you have led me to has changed me so greatly, for You are there!  Your spirit floats above us all so gently as we sing hymns to You, giving You praise and all the Glory for the victories in our lives, as well as the sorrows.

You are giving me the kind of friends I wanted all of my life but never had.  You are giving me so much, and my heart is just bursting and overflowing with the joy brought on by your grace that is rushing through me!  "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." (John 7:38).  I praise You O God for calling me into submission to your will for my life making me into a new creature, an almost finished piece of the Cross of Christ!  Cleansed in the blood of the Lamb, yet now white as snow, glowing with that joy of commitment I have so deep in my heart, that place reserved just for you and no other Lord Jesus!

How do I ever thank you for your love, your grace..your ever increasing goodness to me?  I am so undeserving, and yet you stay, you teach, you mold, you shape, you love, even when I act foolishly, you turn the devils ways around on him, to complete your task, changing me, filling me with love, joy, peace, understanding, the fruits of the spirit I have never been able to attain!  I will forever worship you Jesus, oh, I am so in love with you Lord....I never want to leave you, or stop conversing with you, day and night, talking with you like you are right here, my best friend, even though I am so alone, you never leave me.  You carry me when I am sick, low, walk beside me when I am rich in your wisdom and your grace that falls upon me like a bountiful waterfall, destined to fill your emptied vessel in order to spill over into the lives of others!

I give You all of my praise O Lord! For Your ways are so marvelous!  How can my praises ever cease?  They cannot, for You are endless, timeless, and soon, so shall all believers be.  Forever with you, never to be parted ever again.  Thank you Lord, for your blessings, for the new friendships that are so solid already, built on misunderstandings that Satan wanted to use to destroy us, and yet, because we love one another, the misunderstandings are just that, and nothing more, causing a strength, an amalgamation to take place...something that no foe can ever tear apart!

Thank you Abba Daddy for your love for us, for your blessings which are going to flow over us like a flood of grace...I can feel it coming Lord.  Thank you for the practicality, the simplicity, the way we all love You.

Thank you Precious Savior.  Oh, I need thee every hour, every hour I need thee, and you are there and you are Holy!  You are Holy Lord!  You are taking my sorrows one by one, and turning them into precious jewels of wisdom, knowledge and unspeakable joy.  Thank you Father for making me part of something so amazing that I can't sleep at night thinking of what is to come in the future, rather than what lies behind me.  (Philippians 3:13).

This is not the end.  This is just the beginning of your plan for my life.  For love, peace, joy, strength, all of the unspeakable promises you have given us!  All we must do is claim them out loud!  Speak them to the air as if they already exist!  (Romans 4:17-18).

You leave me in stunned amazement that leaves me empty of self, and full of contentment.  I love you Lord, and I will praise you forever, in good times and bad.  In fullness and famine, I will praise you.  In abundance and in want, I will praise you.  I praise you Oh God, how I praise you and yet that will never be enough to speak the unspeakable, I am so unable to describe You, for you are everything, and yet I am nothing without you Jesus...your faithfulness is amazing to me....your righteousness falls over my shoulders like a beautiful robe, even when I am so undeserving Lord!  I love you Jesus.  Thank you for being my best friend.  Amen.

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JeriAnn Eakin