Sunday, August 19, 2012

The God Particle

Last month scientists working at the CERN Laboratories in Geneva, Switzerland, explained that they had discovered what they believe is the "Higgs/Boson" or "The God Particle."  The particle's existence explains why matter has mass!   

Take a look at this video by Hal Lindsey from 8/3/2012!  You'll be so glad you did!  Especially if you are a Christian or have any interest in science! Knowledge is increasing at an almost alarming pace, so it is my hope that soon more and more people will want to understand the Bible, what it means, who Jesus is, and by their interest wind up getting saved!  The Revival Has Begun!  TIME TO WAKE UP CHRISTIANS!  DO YOU NOT HEAR THE ALARM CLOCK?  Well maybe this video will WAKE YOU UP!

Have you ever seen a picture of Jesus carrying the earth on his shoulder?  Is it possible that the person who came up with that picture/poster was prophetic in nature?  Someone who believed in "Creationism," something we have been trying so hard to have taught in our schools?  Please - just watch.  You might understand just a little bit more about the earth and how every atom in the universe is what is holding us all together and that INDEED Jesus, as Creator of all, is holding us all together?  (John 1:1 - Genesis 1:1 - Colossians 1:15-17 - Hebrews 11:3).

God Bless you as you watch this and may God give you not just the ability to understand what he is talking about here but a renewal and a desire to serve Him like never before as well!

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JeriAnn Eakin