Monday, August 27, 2012

For Our Wounded Warriors

This post is being written specifically for you warriors who have come home from Iraq and Afghanistan and I want to let you know that as the mother of a 3 tour veteran, I will be here for you boys and you young ladies if you need someone to talk to.

For you Soldier's who feel forgotten, after serving your country, being physically healed, but maybe not healed in  your heart, I may not be able to say that I know what you're going through but I am a great listener and I am here if you ever need to talk?  I have a son who needs counseling who is too proud to admit he needs to talk about it. Stubborn, just like his mom.  I know that there are scars that are invisible, but they are there.  He made it through three tours, pretty much physically unscathed, but I worry about him emotionally as I do all of you.  It's a burden God has placed on my heart, and I decided it was time to make sure you all knew that I am here for all of you!

I worry about all of our men and women in uniform, and hope and pray for their safety every day, but I especially pray for those of you who have made it home, some wounded, giving up much more for your country than others,  but all the same, you went, willing to give your life when you left, something that not a lot of young men or women were willing to do.

Perhaps now you have gotten through the battle of surgery and the battle scars  you carry are deep, even though you are pretty much able to get through the day.  Perhaps you even lost a limb and fought hard to make it through physical therapy, psychological counseling,  prosthetic fittings and all those things that go along with it, but now you may feel alone, still needing therapy for your heart.

Sometimes talking to a stranger can be easier, so if you need "a 2nd mom," I'm here for you boys and you young ladies, ok?  You can say anything you want, I won't judge you, your tour is over, you are maybe out of the military now, and nobody expects you to continue to be "polite" about what you have gone thru, so you can scream, yell, blow up - anything and it will never leave my lips to anyone, nor my heart of prayer for you.

I love all of you like you were my own, since one of my own is one of you.  My boy was Infantry "HUA" and I love talking and emailing with you all, and I answer all emails, and prayer requests with a fervent commitment, you can call it my "Prayer Ethos" if you will.  But I am here, waiting, any time of day or night, no matter how bad my day was physically with my spinal problems, or emotionally with my other problems, it helps me to help you, so call. I mean, that's what mother's are for right?  And sometimes, its easier to talk to your 2nd mom than it is your own?  I'll be that 2nd mom, if you need one. 

I am prepared to serve my country.  I may be going on 50, but I have a son who is one of  you, which makes you all my children, and every time I hear of one of you being lost?  I feel like I have lost my own son.  I have a "Prayer Ethos," that matches the "Warrior Ethos," in commitment, honor, loyalty and grace from God above.  I learned a lot from my son, the bravery, the sacrifice, the loyalty, the "never give in, never quit, never say never," of it all that you have all gone through, so if any of you needs me?  I am here for you.  The phone line is always open, as is my Twitter account, my Yahoo Messenger and my email.  Feel free to call anytime, even in the middle of the night, I will get up and answer the call of duty, no matter how late ok?

I just wanted to let you all know you that you are all in my heart and almost always on my mind and I will continue to pray for you all with the same fervent passion that caused you to give what you gave for our Country.  That is something rare, and with it comes a sacrifice, a sacrifice that for some, is painfully permanent.

For those families who have lost a loved one, as a Blue Star Mother, I am here for all of you as well.  If you lost a son, a brother, a sister, it doesn't matter, because we are all family, and I love and pray for you all so you are all welcome to call, email, etc., as well.

God Bless our Servicemen and Women, keep them safe Lord and please God, Bless the United States of America.

"Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends."  (John 15:13).

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JeriAnn Eakin