Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jonah and Me

In late April of this year, I was in a heap on my bed begging God to just remove me from this earth.  I was so lost in my sin, my heart broken in pieces, my physical pain driving me to thoughts of suicide, the devil constantly taunting me that my life was over, and that I was not able to be used by God because of all of my sins.  He would taunt me that "You're a waste of space."  You're this, your that, on and on came the attacks, which left me completely defeated and desperate for a way out of my situation, with no way out to be found.

One day I cried out to God, "I've had enough!"  Have you ever had enough?  Well, God wasn't done with me yet, as witnessed in this blog if you dare to read all of the posts herein, and the process of rebuilding my life began.

It was if he kept speaking and I almost couldn't keep up!  A few months before this great awakening, I was watching the Middle East exploding, and I started to pray "Lord please find me worthy," which is when He came to me to say "Oh no, I'm not done with you yet! (Philippians 1:6). Seeing these things, knowing what I know about Bible prophecy, I knew that these events were the birth pangs Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24, and that the return of Christ for His Bride was very near!

Once I came into full obedience, God's blessings started to flow, pouring over my head like someone dumped a bucket of living rushing water on my head, and it hasn't stopped flowing since.  I know it sounds kind of whacky, but when He came to me that day in late April He told me, "there is no place for a prophet to hide from Me, not even in the belly of a whale."

I recommitted my life at that very moment and now I am in constant conversation with God and I can actually hear Him which would cause most shrinks to commit me to a facility for the insane! (1 Thessalonians 5:7).  At times, going somewhere without my bible seems to be a foreign thought to me, because the Word is where my life stems from and I have a burning desire to lead others to Christ so that they won't be lost. I now cry out to God every day with a very heavy and burdened heart for those that are lost, begging for opportunities to give them hope, and help the Lord to save them, for without Him, I can do nothing. (John 15:5).  I am seeing such an amazing change in my life that I hardly recognize myself anymore!  That is what a wonderful work God is doing in my life!

Once I came into FULL obedience to Christ, living the way He would have lived, speaking the words He might have said I now feel like all that God promised is coming together right before my eyes and I keep speaking of things that don't exist as if they do exist, and then, to my utter awe and amazement the Lord is making them happen!  (Romans 4:17).

I came across this cute little video, and I would like to share it with you.  The Bible talks about how "A child will lead them," (Isaiah 11:6) and this little girl...well, just WOW!  As a former "Jonah," who ran from what God wanted me to do, her telling of the story actually made me break down in tears, God bless her.   Please watch as a child, no more than 7, tells the story of Jonah, and be blessed!  May God bless you all as you watch, and may you stop running from God, for He has a great work He wants to do in you as He is doing in me!
The story of Jonah from
Corinth Baptist Church on Vimeo.

1 comment:

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    but other than that, this is magnificent blog. A great
    read. I'll certainly be back.

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JeriAnn Eakin