Friday, July 4, 2014


It's breaking my heart.  Today, the 4th of July, the mother of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi made an appeal to Mexico's top Diplomat, begging for them to release her son.  Why she should have to do that, I honestly do not know!  The tears she cries for her son have been heard all over this country for the last three months, yet nothing has been done to help him!

This administration has catered to the Muslims, and also catered to the Bergdahl family. Bowe Bergdahl was traded for 5 top Taliban leaders as his father stood in the Rose Garden with President Obama saying, "Praise be to Allah," in the Taliban's language! Meanwhile this wonderful, DECORATED AND HONORABLE MARINE sits in a Mexican jail unjustly, simply because he made a wrong turn looking for the place he was going to meet a friend for dinner, and the border officials in Mexico wouldn't let him turn around!

Sgt. Tahmooressi has been in Mexico for three months now and the situation is beginning to really sicken me!  We sent $316.7 MILLION  in aid to Mexico in 2012 alone!  Why Obama doesn't call Mexico's President and threaten to pull aid if they don't release Tahmooressi, I don't know.  If he did, Tahmooressi would be home overnight!!!   It's just not right. Today is Independence day. Sgt. Tahmooressi  should be home celebrating with his family or with his brothers at Camp Pendleton. 

I'll tell you one thing?  If Bush were still the President of this Country, not only would Sgt. Tahmooressi be home already, we would still be in Iraq, keeping the peace.  But instead, because Obama refused to negotiate a Status of Forces agreement with the Iraqi government, he pulled all of our troops out by December 2011.  Just 24 hours later, Al Maliki put out an arrest warrant for his Sunni VP and took over the Government!  So because Obama didn't push harder for a a stay behind force we now have this ISIS group taking over the country, killing every Iraqi soldier they can find as they try to re-establish their Caliphate.

Caliphate is an interesting word.  The Caliph is the leader, the "ate" is the Islamic State as they are now calling themselves, and they've named this al bagram character as their "Caliph."   Iraqi soldiers, that were trained by US troops, are being beheaded and even crucified! (Yes, crucified!  I saw pictures on a special hosted by Chris Wallace just last night. They also showed photos where Iraqi soldiers had been be-headed, running a red strip of color across the screen to keep the horror from being seen).  The fall of Iraq has many families who lost a son or daughter there feeling like their sacrifice was in vain, and that isn't how it's supposed to be!  

As for the situation with Sgt. Tahmooressi, we've negotiated releases of many people who were held by the North Koreans, but we won't try to do the same with our ally in Mexico? HOW STUPID IS THAT?  

Please call the White House in the next couple of days, or  send them a message on Twitter @BarackObama.  It will reach his organizing staff, and the messages will get through.  Protests at the White House should be organized by someone in the area in order to get this young Marine home.

Thank you to all the men and women who have served this country and are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, South Korea and all over the world!  Thank you to the families who's loved ones gave the ultimate sacrifice for the Red, White and Blue.  Thank you to the "Greatest Generation!"  We are all so grateful for you.  For without you, there may not be an America!  Your sacrifices will never be forgotten. Your country thanks you and owes you a debt.  I pray that we honor that debt and protect all of you the way you are meant to be protected.

Please remember Sgt. Tahmooresi and his mother in your prayers today, to give him strength through the current battle he is facing and for his mother to stay strong as she awaits her son's release.  Pray that they are treating him well, and that he will be released soon bringing this horrible situation to a conclusion.

I want to give thanks to God for bringing my boy home from two tours in Iraq and 1 in Afghanistan.  I'm so proud that you put your life not just on hold, but on the line to serve this great country and I couldn't be prouder! Thank you for serving your country and doing what is hard to do.  I'm so grateful to you for showing me how a man is made, courtesy of the United States Army and the 101st Airborne Screaming Eagles!  HUA!  You are married and all grown up now, but you'll always be my baby, my first born, and you are so special to me, as are all my children  But it's your strength of character that leads the other three, and no mother could ask for a better son or big brother for her younger children, than you!  

Happy 4th everyone!  Have a safe and wonderful day!  God Bless the United States of America!

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JeriAnn Eakin