Friday, July 18, 2014

Malaysian Flight 17: What would Reagan Do?

I have been in prayer off and on since yesterday, for the families of those killed in this terrible terrorist act by Russia that occurred near the border of the Ukraine and Russia yesterday afternoon. One American was among the 298 who were killed when a surface to air missile brought the plane down in pieces in an area of the Ukraine taken over by Pro Russian separatists.

The families must be horrified, and terribly upset, considering another Malaysian airliner is still missing and presumed to be at the bottom of the Indian ocean. We may never know what happened, although it seems that the pilot of the plane downed it on purpose.

I myself am in total disbelief at this shocking incident that occurred yesterday and how the Russians and Putin are trying to cover it up! This was a terrorist act! Is it any wonder they stole the black boxes and took them straight to the Kremlin? The separatists were responsible for downing two Ukrainian transports earlier this week as well as a Ukrainian fighter jet! They even sent a message out afterwards taking responsibility for it bragging on their Twitter feed before removing it as some have reported. The Ukrainian government also intercepted a call from the leader of the separatists who made a call directly to the Kremlin saying that it was "100 percent a passenger jet." 

While some are calling it a horrible mistake, Putin shakes his finger and blames the Ukraine. The truth is that the Ukraine's base near Donetsk was recently taken over by separatists who stand with the Kremlin, Russia and Putin. How anyone could say that the Ukrainians shot that Malaysian airliner down...well let's just say they are very sadly misinformed or just plain ole lying through their teeth! Russia IS directly responsible and it's not the first time something like this has happened, as Putin well knows!

Our President seems to be absent without leave on several issues regarding the Sovereignty of this great land. We still have no answers about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS Scandal, and several other scandals, which are so numerous at this point, I can't list them all! Now our southern border is being breached daily, without any help by the Federal Government to send in the National Guard to help out while our Border Patrol Agents, some of whom have quit their jobs, are changing diapers and babysitting all the children who came here in hopes of not being turned away. When the Ukrainian government asked for our help? Obama sent in MRE's! They needed night vision goggles but instead? Obama put on his fundraising goggles, which he seems to do everytime something goes wrong!

This is a direct result of Obama's promise to illegal aliens 16 and under that they won't be deported! This humanitarian crisis could be stopped, but all he does is go fundraising! He did it right after Benghazi, he did it while in Texas last week, without going to the border and yesterday without even so much as a moment of silence for the 298 lives cut short by a Surface to Air Missile or SAM, fired by Pro Russian separatists near the Ukrainian border at a defenseless airliner flying at approximately 33,000 feet! The International Civil Aviation Organization told them it was safe??? WHY DON'T THESE IDIOTS LISTEN TO THE FAA INSTEAD? It's partially their fault!

Putin is not afraid of Obama. He is a feckless President. He seems like a professional fundraiser who reports to an invisible President! He never takes the right course, pardon the pun. He apologizes to countries around the world for our Country, even though it is America that helped rebuild a lot of the countries destroyed during WWII, including Germany! How dare he apologize for the United States! Well, I've had about enough. It's time to show everyone the world over, what a REAL LEADER looks like!

This clip, from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, shows his umbrage at Russia after their downing of a Korean airliner, KAL 007, in 1983, which killed 269 people. He was furious! This clip is about 17 minutes long, but if you watch it all the way through, you'll see what A REAL LEADER LOOKS LIKE! 

We need leadership, not constant fundraising from this President, which seems to be all he really knows how to do! His fellow democrats are looking at at total decimation in November, possibly worse than 2010. As for the Malaysian airliner shot down by Russia? Obama has barely talked about this event and today, ruled out any military action against Russia or the pro Russian separatists.

Reagan pushed our own military budget to the edge of reality, but eventually, in 1991, just a few years after he left office, the USSR was in economic collapse, which led to the dissolution of The Soviet Union. The Iron Curtain fell and The Cold War was over, much to the dismay of Putin, who was a KGB Agent at the time! Reagan's "Peace through Strength" motto worked and the Soviets, well, "there they go again."

Please watch and remember this great president and how he responded to the horrible acts of the leadership of the Kremlin in 1983. We need another Ronald Reagan, and boy do we ever need one bad!

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JeriAnn Eakin