Saturday, July 12, 2014

Holly Fisher and Twitter Hate

A couple of days ago, I saw a story on the news about Holly Fisher, a mother of three whose husband is a Veteran.  She had posted a photo of herself holding her gun and her bible on Independence Day on Twitter and the hate began. It made her FAMOUS!  What do people think is going to happen when they hate someone simply because they believe in Jesus and the 1st and 2nd amendments of our Constitution? Like Duh?

The hashtag, #ISTANDWITHHOLLY has been making the rounds on Twitter and the whole country has seen the story because someone on Twitter posted a photo of Holly's picture with the gun and bible, next to another woman who was an Islamic Extremist, holding her weapon and a Quran. They called Holly an "American Taliban."  How the two could even be compared is just totally beyond me, but that is what the left does!  All they do is deny, besmirch and try to destroy others with their words, their actions and their hatred of the Christian right wing in this country, calling all of us "extremists." It just doesn't make any sense!

Holly didn't deserve what they did to her, and I think that the hate on Twitter needs to stop!  It ain't cool people, so cut it out!  I've blocked many people just over my last post!  I had to change the title of it from "Pray for the Safety of Israel" to "Pray for the Safety of Israel and the Palestinian People!"  People saw the title and said I was praying for "the terrorists in Israel."  I was, but I was also praying for the women and children in Gaza who were being forced to be human shields!  Had they read the post, they would've seen that, but they didn't, obviously. (Again, like DUH?)

I truly wish people would just close their mouths, think for a moment, and then walk away from the computer/phone whatever their Tweeting from and think about how their words can hurt, harm and destroy people. I had one guy say to me, "I'm going to F*** you" on my feed, and I immediately reported it to Twitter. People who spread hate and lies shouldn't be allowed on the site, and should be removed!  I don't do it. I am a peaceful and loving person as a lot of my friends could attest to, and I try to encourage others instead of tearing them down! That is the purpose of this blog.

I think Holly is an amazing person, a great mom and a wonderful wife to an honored Veteran. People like Holly are true Patriots and they all deserve better than what they receive, but the left loves to hate!  

As a Christian?  I have to stand back, think about it and choose my words very carefully! If I say the wrong thing to someone saying hateful things to me, then what good am I doing for the Lord?  NONE AT ALL!  I need to give a peaceful, organized and careful response because if I don't, then all hope of their salvation may go out the window!  DOES ANYBODY GET THAT?  Our words have CONSEQUENCES not just to the people we Tweet them to, but to others as well!  

Those that are hurt by others words, if they are Christians, need to be especially careful about how they respond to that hate!  Jesus said, "You will be hated by everyone because of Me, but He who stands firm to the end will be saved." (Matthew 10:22).  He also said, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."  (Matthew 5:44) and "You will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and you will be hated by all Nations because of me." (Matthew 24:9). We should all take a step back when someone posts something that is hateful towards us. We should pray for them continually because Paul said, "Bless those who curse you and pray for those who revile (hate) you." (Luke 6:28).

So please, stop and think before posting something that may send a non-believer on a course that will make them hate all Christians and eventually condemn them to an eternity in hell!  For "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers all wrongs." (Proverbs 10:12).  We could all use a little more wisdom when it comes to our tongues! "The tongue can bring life or death. Those who love to talk will reap the consequences." (Proverbs 18:21).

To those of us who truly Love God, we need to start changing how we communicate with those who are hateful towards us because the love of Christ is not in them, it's in us! We need to stop the hate and start to spread love instead! There is no room for error right now, as Jesus return is very nigh! Jesus said, "But I tell you, that every careless word that people speak, they will give an accounting for it on the day of judgment."  (Matthew 12:36).

Please be careful what you say to others? There is a reason God gave us two ears and only one mouth!  Let's remember to listen, learn, and to not return anger with wrath! Let us all be "Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger." (James 1:19).

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JeriAnn Eakin