Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pray for the Safety of Israel & The Palestinian People

Last night I was watching TV and saw the damage to the Gaza Strip that is occurring from the bombing raids of the Israeli Air Force on militant Hamas locations, homes, etc.  In the middle of it all, I saw a Palestinian woman weeping and sitting on the ground.  I immediately paused the television to pray for both sides.  I don't want to see innocent people being hurt, and the Israeli Defense Ministry does everything it can to warn people to get out of an area before bombs are dropped because they know the militant Islamists hide behind their own civilian population.  

I started to cry, knowing that Palestinian children are paying the highest price because of this, and I started to pray.  I know we are close to the Rapture and I pulled out my bible and just held it close, weeping for the people.  The Palestinian people are notified through either leaflets falling to the ground from the Israeli Air Force's planes or a phone call to the home of a militant Hamas leader warning the inhabitants to vacate the area because a bomb is about to be dropped upon them.  But their leaders call others to come to the scene as human shields instead, and because of that, so far, 84 Palestinians have paid with their lives, some of them just children!  Some were Hamas militants and they deserved what they received for the rockets they have been launching since the three Israeli teens who were missing were found buried under rocks and bushes in Hebron in the West Bank.

As I cried for the Palestinian people and their plight and prayed that no Israeli's were hurt or killed,  I looked up and through my tears saw the most beautiful sight! There was a Cross sticking up from the rubble of a home bombed by Israel!  Tears were already streaming down my face, but when I saw that, I thanked God that He is sending signs to the Palestinians of His love!  The Cross that was found in the rubble of 9/11 suddenly came to mind, and then I really started to cry! This was GOD sending them a message!  He is trying to show Himself to the Palestinian people in a way that some of them would understand!  

Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by me."  (John 14:6).  These people are terribly deceived and they need our prayers!  I am on Israel's side, but I'm also on the side of the peaceful Palestinian civilians who just want to live in peace with their Israeli neighbors!  I bet a lot of people don't know that Israel has a very peaceful Palestinian citizenry living in Israel, who would never hurt anyone!  When those three boys went missing in the West Bank, Palestinians put together search teams and went to look for them! They are not the horrible people we believe them to be even though they may be deceived in their beliefs.

I hope you will join me in praying FOR BOTH SIDES!  The land of Israel was given away in hopes for peace, but the Palestinian Authority refuses to recognize the State of Israel.  They are firing rockets into neighborhoods, and as Israeli civilians hear the sirens, they run for a bomb shelter, some only having 15 seconds to do so!  These rockets came from Iran, (or should I say hell?) and a lot of them are reaching further into Israel then ever before, one being shot down by the Iron Dome Missile Defense system that was headed for Tel Aviv Airport!  

What I'm wondering now is how long before Russia and Iran start to launch offensives against Israel?  In Ezekiel 38 it talks of "Gog and Magog."  Through the prophet, God said, "I will put a hook in your jaw," which means that He will cause Russia to want Israel's oil and technology!  The hook is in place! Look what Putin is already doing to the Ukraine?  All the oil lines run under that country! If you know anything about eschatology, (biblical prophecy), then you understand that Gog is Putin and Magog is Russia! If you put a T-Square and place it on a map, starting in Israel and going directly north, you wind up in Russia!  If you go directly south, you find the new Islamic State led by this al Bagram character, who has been named their "Caliph," along with Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran.  This new Islamic State,  just paraded a scud missile through the streets on it's way to, I believe, Lebanon, where they will launch it at Israel!  These people are on a mission to destroy Israel, and push her people into the sea, as "I'm A Nut Job" in Iran once said.

What will it take?  God's divine providence!  He is going to protect Israel, for "He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps."  (Psalm 121:4).

Please pray for the people on both sides!  It saddens me as a mother to think of what those women are going through, and it's just not fair to keep them there! Their leaders should let them leave, not hide behind them!  They are evil men, who deserve whatever they bring down upon themselves, but the women and children are not guilty of hurting anyone!  They don't deserve to be killed and Israel does everything it can to keep the civilian casualties from happening, but the people there just won't listen!  We may see a ground invasion soon, and I hope they wipe the militants out without killing any innocent people.  

Won't you please join me in praying for our brothers and sisters in Israel and for the civilian Palestinians who did not ask for this?  I know God wants us to pray for both sides! Before it is over, more Palestinians will be gone, and Israel could end up in a major conflict, not just with Hamas, but with Russia, Iran and the new Islamic State!  

God Save Israel and her people!  May He keep them safe and show Himself to all the people in the region so that they can no longer turn their face away from Jesus!  As our Israeli brothers and sisters hide in bomb shelters, let us lift them all up to the Lord for their safety and for the Sovereignty of Israel!

God is the High Tower, their shelter and their protection from the storm! May He protect Israel and her people now as they fight to survive the barrage of rockets being launched into their country on a daily basis. No other country on earth would stand for it, and it's time to start backing Israel up! Terrorists are targeting their people and they have a right to defend themselves against angry militant Islamists who for some reason, hate them with a hate that is just completely unjustified.

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JeriAnn Eakin