Sunday, July 20, 2014

I'm in Pain, but it's a Beautiful Day!

Have you ever read the account of Job? God favored Job because he was a man who walked upright with God. God even sort of bragged about him to the devil! "The Lord said to Satan, 'Have you considered my servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil.'" (Job 1:8) 

The Lord allowed the devil to take all he had and to push Job to the edge, and even his wife said, "Why don't you just curse God and die." (Job 2:9). Job had lost all of his earthly possessions and all ten of his children in just one day and then suffered countless trials! His friends came to him and said he had sin which was hidden and that was why he was suffering! Some friends right? Who among us could take all that Job did and not get ticked off about it? I am such a wretched sinner, I need God's forgiveness every day and I am grateful that "His mercies are new every morning!" (Lamentations 3:23).

I have been suffering through trials of the body of late but it's not anything like what happened to Job! He suffered all kinds of maladies that nobody I know has ever come close to suffering! The most recent attack of the devil on my body is boils and severe inflammation of the hands, wrists, elbows, etc., and what's really funny is that typing helps the pain stop in the fingers, along with a bit of ibuprofen. (Thank you Lord! Miracle drug!). My doctor put me on prednisone, but it's not really helping and it's only temporary.

So please pray for me and for others who are suffering? I still haven't found out what is causing all of this and rheumatoid arthritis has already been ruled out. It could be caused by a birth defect caused spinal stenosis. I haven't been able to stand, sit, or walk for long periods because the pain is always terrible! It's left me pretty much disabled! But as I said in yesterday's post, I will keep writing this blog until I draw my last breath! I'm in a battle with the devil and his minions, and I rebuke til my rebukers worn out but what helps me the most is just singing and giving Praise to God throughout the storm! Praising the Lord helps A LOT! I love to sing and was blessed with a pretty good voice and I love to sing along to K-Love and all the wonderful music on their station. 

I do not know suffering like Job knew it though, and the verse where God tells Satan that he can have at it, but that he isn't allowed to lay a hand on Job himself? (Job 1:12). Well, I see that as a promise! In the first part of Job 1, it says that Job would sacrifice for himself and his whole family, for perhaps his sons had cursed God! He was sacrificing for all of them! I have four children, none of whom seem to be walking with the Lord at the moment, so if my affliction is so that I can turn them around? Then bring it devil, bring it! I'm ready to go home anyhow! I can't wait for the Rapture, which I fear is coming very soon, so there is still much work to be done but I won't stop until God takes me, or the Rapture occurs! Too many are lost and need a light to show them the way!

Please take some time today and pray that God would use you to lead the lost to Him! Once the last soul that is meant to be saved has accepted the Lord as their savior, it will trigger the Rapture and the Church will be gone from the earth, and the Holy Spirit with us! After that, the lawless one will be revealed and the seven year tribulation will begin! I DON'T WANT ANYONE LEFT BEHIND! HOW ABOUT YOU????????

So for now, I will Praise God in the storm! I'm ready to go anytime He calls me home, but I'm going to fight every day that I am blessed to take another breath and wake up! I woke up this morning with Jamie Grace's "Beautiful Day" in my head, and I keep praying and God keeps speaking! I'm feeling ill, but I also feel unbelievably blessed by God! If you're not in the right place in your walk with God, let me challenge you to cast out all things that are not spiritual and to take all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ! (2 Corinthians 10:5).

God Bless you all and have a fantastic Sunday! Our God is to be greatly praised in every circumstance, if we bring our petitions to Him, He hears us! It's a promise!  So I will not get anxious! The bible says "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6).

As for the pain and the medical stuff I'm going through? It's not a big deal, I'm gonna let it wash all the bugs off my windshield! Theres just something about the way the Lord shows me His love each and every day! He's the refuge that I just have to get to! He is my High Tower! I run and hide in that High Tower each and every day! Praise God! His grace is just absolutely amazing!

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JeriAnn Eakin