Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Illegal Aliens or Refugee's? WWJD?

Recently, we've been made aware of a problem on the border.  But this time, things are a bit different.

In Central America, there are wars raging between Guatemala and El Salvador, so when you argue that you don't want these little children here, think of what their parents had to do!  They sent them here with other adults that made the trip and some of them died along the way, and one little boy, just 3 made it!  Surely there are plenty of people in the United States who are childless who would LOVE LOVE LOVE to adopt these little ones!

Under International and Humanitarian Law it states "The basis of International Humanitarian law is the principle of distinction which applies in all armed conflicts.  This principle obliges "parties to a conflict, (i.e. the waring parties, whether states or non-state armed groups), to target only military objectives and not the civilian population or individual civilian objects, (e.g. homes, schools and hospitals).  Failing to make this distinction in military operations represents an indiscriminate attack and is a war crime."

If you'd like to read it for yourself, go to  

Now that we've established that these beautiful little children should be granted refugee status, instead of bussing them to foster families, they should be immediately put up for adoption once they've cleared the medical tests, etc.  I know this is what Jesus would want.  Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these."  (Matthew 19:14).

I know people coming into our already stretched thin economy is tough, but most of them are just little kids!  They won't be working or voting for a long time, and my hope is that they will all find good homes where they will not be abused, left hungry or treated badly.  I know there are plenty of good childless Christian homes just waiting for them! As for the adults, I'm sure we can help them as well, and under the law? We should.

Yes, this is what Jesus WOULD do!  So please, everyone?  Stop complaining about this problem!  Under the law, if they were from Mexico they could be deported, but because they are from war torn countries in Central America, where the civilian population is targeted, they qualify for refugee status under Int'l law!  Those parents felt like they had no choice.  Much like in the Spanish Inquisition, where the Jews were given an Edict to get out of Spain in 14 days, they gave their little ones to their Spanish neighbor's knowing that if they didn't, their children would likely be killed while trying to escape.  The Jews were really frightened, and they gave their maps, and all their money to an Italian Jew named Christopher Columbus who found this great country, and gave the Jewish people a place to live without being persecuted!

Our 40th President, Ronald Reagan gave a speech called "A Time for Choosing," in 1964.  In that speech he stated, "Not too long ago two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said, "We don't know how lucky we are." And the Cuban stopped and said, "How lucky you are! I had someplace to escape to." In that sentence he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth."   So what is the difference between these war ravaged children and the refugee from Cuba?  There is no difference! One was escaping communism, the others were escaping a war in which civilians were targeted on purpose!

Even in our near bankrupt situation, we are still the last best chance for anyone trying to escape persecution by their governments, and therefore I believe we should help them, not complain about them! What matters isn't politics, or the administration and all their mis-steps, it's these children!  They need us and I for one think they should be allowed to stay.  Their parents sent them here with the hope that families all over the US would be willing to adopt them, especially the little ones!  They were giving them a place "to escape to," they were giving them HOPE so that they might continue to live!  Is it so horrible that they came to us?  We should be PROUD of it!  Not complaining about it!

Please stop arguing over whether they should be sent back!  Let's show the Love that Jesus wants us to show!  Ronald Reagan said it best.  They had nowhere else to escape to.  Some of the littlest ones didn't even make it!   Their little bodies are buried in a desert, but God is holding them all in His lap at this very moment.  They must've been too beautiful for earth.  

Let our love be the proof that we are still, in fact, a very CHRISTIAN NATION!

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JeriAnn Eakin