Tuesday, July 15, 2014

His Grace is Enough

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." (James 1:12).

There is a lot of suffering in the world. People who have lost their jobs, their homes, perhaps they've lost a loved one in an accident, an illness or some other way, even in an emotional way, or they suffer in unending pain, day after day, making them wish they had never been born.

I myself am ill. I suffer from a host of things which I have discussed before, so I won't bore you, but just suffice it to say, some days are harder than others. I always try to have a good attitude, but some days? I'm just plain ole cranky! The pain is a big problem and I wake with it every day. Some days it's very easy to become discouraged. 

Sometimes, I feel like I'm a worthless human being because I can barely walk, or leave my house or drive anywhere anymore. Nobody in my home seems to understand that I need to get out once in awhile and nobody will even take me on a drive! It's hard when you're a shut in to not get completely depressed! I had a spirit of suicide hanging over me for a very long time, but that spirit is gone now, (Praise God)! The devil occasionally will throw an evil picture or thought into my head, even when I'm praying, and I just rebuke him and continue in prayer. He tries to penetrate my "breastplate of righteousness" a lot of times, but I recognize his tactics of warfare immediately and rebuke Him from my presence in the name of Jesus. Some times he taunts me with the same thought over and over for days! The devil is just SO ANNOYING! Geesh! Some days, the ones that are really painful, I reach up to Heaven and pray to God to relieve it. I always hear one scripture ringing in my head, "My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9).

I'm not in the best of moods today, but it will get better. Everyday we are allowed to wake up and breathe, we should fall on our knees and thank God for just one more day! I have trouble getting on my knees, but I still say that prayer! I figure we can't guarantee our next breath much less another day so I Praise God for each moment!

The best use of my time, instead of complaining, crying or feeling worthless is to write this blog so that others who are going through some kind of suffering can be encouraged. A lot of others have it way worse than I do! They are suffering from heart problems, they have cancer, some of them younger than me, not having the opportunity to live their lives at all before they die. At least I'm not dying from cancer or suffering from Lou Gehrigs or some other horrible disease, so I really have no reason to be cranky over my pain when others are suffering way worse pain than I am. All I have to do is think of others when I pray, and pray for myself, pray for those around this world who are suffering, especially the Christians all over the world who are not just being persecuted but killed for their beliefs and then I feel much better! There is so much suffering that is greater than what I suffer on a daily basis, I can't help but be humbled. Doing good for others, even when you're in a place where you are suffering, brings you joy! Helping others when you feel awful is the best medicine that you could ever receive!

No matter what the storm, we should always praise God, no matter what we are going through! Paul said, "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

So that is what I will do. Give thanks for one more day of being able to breathe. For one more day that I got to wake up! For one more day to write this blog! I will never stop thanking Him for all He has done for me! Even in my suffering! 

I'm grateful for my life. But without the Lord, I would completely fall apart. Thank you Lord for your grace! It is enough for me! I remember Your promises Lord, and I know You will never leave me for nothing can separate me from Your love!

I know I have not been forgotten!

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JeriAnn Eakin