Thursday, July 3, 2014

Heckled on Twitter? Kill Them With the Kindness of Jesus!

Are you a Christian?  Ever been heckled on Twitter, FB or another social media outlet?  I got heckled yesterday, but kept witnessing to the heckler. I told him that no matter what he said to me, that he couldn't stir me up, and he was cursing a lot!  I don't like cursing to show on my Twitter feed!  I finally had to let go and just block him, but I WILL continue to pray for those who heckle and hassle me like that.  (That's right hecklers, God knows who you are!  lol). 

He pushed me, calling the things I Tweet "batty sh**" and that I was whack. What really bothered me is that his twitter pic shows him holding a baby!  I'm going to pray for him fervently that God shows Himself to this man, because he has children to raise!  I honestly don't know what his problem was, but it started when I commented to another friend about the rapture, which I feel certain is VERY NEAR!  

That was when he started the taunts!  He called it all kinds of things, called me a nutjob, and a few other choice things, saying "I might follow you.  You say some really stupid sh**."  He got me into a back and forth that lasted most of yesterday and started up again this morning!  I honestly don't understand why he felt he had to make fun of me, but I tried a few comebacks that we're a bit silly, but then the cursing started.  As for me and my house, we serve the Lord, and I will not allow someone to curse on my page!  *(Let that be a lesson to those who follow me or those I follow?  Post something that is angry, hurtful, with curse words or saying God's name in vain?  You'll be gone!  I won't put up with it, and neither will God!).

I don't care how many followers I have.  I leave that up to God, and I usually only follow other Christians who are complete and total God Loving Country Loving Patriots!  I wonder sometimes, what would our Founding Father's say if they could fast forward through time and see what we have become?  I believe they would be sorely disappointed in us!

We have a Marine, Sgt. Tamoressi still sitting in a jail cell in Mexico and tomorrow is Independence Day.  You know what?  I've thought about this as long as he's been down there, and I'll bet you he's a registered Republican, so their not lifting a finger to help him!  THAT IS SO WRONG!  If the IRS can do it, so can Obama right?  With his "pen and phone?"  They could've had him home by now!  All Obama has to do is tell Mexico's President that we'll stop sending financial aid to their country, and he'd be home overnight! We gave $316.7 MILLION to their country in 2012 alone!  

Bill O'Reilly called for a boycott of Mexico products and trips.  I pray that people called their travel agents and made other arrangements! I wouldn't go to any other country, NOT EVER!  These days, it's just too dangerous!  

Back to the topic at hand, if someone is heckling you because of your faith, don't get upset!  Don't taunt them back, speak life giving words to them!  If they won't listen and they keep taunting you, or start cursing at you, tell them you'll pray for them and then block them.  But don't stop praying!  God knows who they are!  I don't even know this guy's name, but I KNOW that God DOES! There is NO END to God's power and what He can do! Nothing is impossible with God! (Luke 1:37).

Hopefully he will eventually get the message that he shouldn't mess with a Blue Star Mother whose son served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, who prays constantly, and whose God is THE LORD!  I am going to continue to pray for him, and hope that He finds Jesus or that Jesus finds him!  

I have another heckler, but it was just fun about soccer, and he didn't curse, therefore he didn't get blocked!  He can say whatever he wants about my MLB, NFL, SEC, NHL, NASCAR loving Tweets, but he can't hurt me physically, and he's not cursing me, so I don't mind the banter!  It's kinda fun!  *(Ann Coulter, you started it!  lol).

Anyway, as we begin to celebrate the weekend, just remember, you are going to be heckled when you tell people about your faith.  Don't let it get to you! Jesus told us to praise God when we are persecuted for His name!  I'm happy about it, but I don't have to put up with the cursing.  I just won't.  I refuse!  It goes against everything I believe in, and I'm not going to put up with punk like behavior like that, not in person not on social media, NO WAY, NO WHERE!  

I will stand on the rooftops to shout how much I love my Christian Twitter friends!  You are all so faithful!  I love all of you very much and God knows who all of you are, so I pray for all of my followers daily!  

I want to give a special shout out to @SpeedPrayers.  Thank you for praying for me today!  My fingers are flying on this keyboard right now!  lol. God Bless you all, and have a terrific day, and remember....don't let anyone push you into a corner!  Don't duck and run, at least try with them?  But if they won't behave?????  Well that's up to you, but as for me?  I hold a strong line on what I allow to be posted by people on my page.  I block the ones who are just simply offensive if I'm quick enough to see them.  The ones that get by are the ones that are Tweeted when I'm sleeping and I don't sleep much!  lol.

God Bless you all and have a FANTASTIC Day!

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JeriAnn Eakin