Tuesday, July 22, 2014

God & Our Constitution

Did you know there was NEVER a precedent for the Supreme Court's decision to take prayer, the Bible and the Ten Commandments out of our schools back in 1962 and 1963? The Court never listed any precedent for their decisions because all of the prior precedents UPHELD prayer, the Bible and the Ten Commandments in our schools! Let this be a lesson for us all, that we should stand on our Christian beliefs ALWAYS and not be bullied into backing down when tested by a local authority.  

The foundation that sets forth three distinctive branches of government is found in Isaiah 33:22: "For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King: He will save us." This scripture sets forth the laws in our Country, how they are created in our legislature, signed into law by the President and judged by the courts.

The foundation for the logic for the Separation of Powers is found in Jeremiah 17:9: "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?"  It was from the writings of Montesquieu in the "Spirit of the Laws," that was reflected upon and used by our House and Senate when writing the Constitution of the United States. This scripture brought forth the idea that each branch should have a way to keep the others in check if they got out of line.

Let me give you just a few examples. Recently, the Supreme Court overturned Obama when he tried to make what are called "recess appointments" to a particular court, thus stacking the court in his favor. The Congress and Senate however, were not in recess at the time, so his appointments were overturned. Franklin Delano Roosevelt tried to stack the Supreme Court back in the 1930's but the House and Senate refused to vote with him because they realized it was unconstitutional.

A law that was passed during his administration called The National Recovery Act and the departments that were created from it, was overturned by the Court and FDR was furious! He had a very rocky relationship with the Supreme Court after that, which is why he tried to stack the court in his favor. The National Recovery Act was passed by the House and Senate in 1933, however the Supreme Court overturned that law. The law gave FDR the right to regulate industry in an attempt to raise prices after severe deflation and stimulate economic recovery. The court struck the law down because the Act promoted economically harmful monopolies. The court was keeping FDR in check, thus, the separation of powers in this instance worked. This example shows why the Founders set things up the way they did! No man could be trusted, for the "heart is deceitful."

The basis for the tax exempt status of churches comes from Ezra 7:24: It was King Artaxerxes letter to Ezra that set forth this principle. "We also inform you that it is not allowed to impose tax, tribute or toll on any of the Priests, Levites, musicians, gatekeepers or other workers at this House of God." This scripture is what the Founders used to give all religious institutions a tax exempt status in our Country. 

Do you see the pattern? The Founding Fathers knew exactly what they were doing and when we look back at history, we can see several things that point to the fact that this is definitely a Country that was set up on basic biblical principles set forth by our Founding Fathers who were Judeo-Christian in their beliefs! The idea for the separation of church and state came from a private letter written by Thomas Jefferson, not from the courts or the first amendment to the Constitution! The courts have been legislating from the bench since 1962 and those decisions were totally against what the Founders originally set up! But the court decided that Atheists, Satanists, Secular Humanists and others had more rights than Christians, even though every prior precedent upheld that prayer, the bible and the Ten Commandments were protected under the First Amendment! 

Is it any wonder our Country is going down the drain? We are going to hell in a hand-basket built by evil men and it is time to stand up and fight for the principles the Founders put in place and fight for the Word of God again! 

It's time to stop saying, that someone else will fix it! WE NEED TO FIX IT! There are people out there who are hurt, suffering, impoverished, lacking personal responsibility and we need to teach them something! Paul said "If a man refuses to work, let him not eat!" (1 Thessalonians 3:10).

It's time for love, but in some cases tough love! We need to turn people around, not just ditch them and scornfully shame them! Our Country needs our help, the people of our Country need our help! We need to be on our knees and asking God to SEND ME! I will go, will you come with me? I'm ready for a fight! I'm not giving in or giving up until I see a change in the way people live, learn, behave, etc. Our schools are a mess...our government is a mess, our whole world is about to crumble and yet we sit and do nothing? That's not what this country is about! It never was and it never should be!

It's time for us to do something instead of just sitting around and waiting for someone else to do the the things we should already be doing! Jesus is coming soon, and personally, I don't want anyone I know left behind! Instead of asking God to do something, we need to realize He already did! He gave the world US! 

It's not enough to do nothing. It's time for US to do SOMETHING! We are still that SHINING CITY ON A HILL that Ronald Reagan said we were! Let's start acting like it!

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JeriAnn Eakin