Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Romancing The Bride

Wake up church!  He is romancing the bride!!!!!!!!!  I'm sorry, but it was a Word of Knowledge that I felt was worthy of being shared.  I have confirmation in this song.  I am not the only one hearing the message it seems?

"My sheep listen to my voice!  They know me and they follow me!"  John 10:27.

Rejoice!  Bend on one knee and take stock of your life!  Get in right standing with our creator, our Savior, and our friend.  Don't wait!  Don't miss the coolest (milisecond long) trip you will ever take!  PLEASE!  

Even as these words are read, I am still praying, "Come Lord Jesus!  Hallelujah in the Highest Host!"  Come Lord!  We are waiting, willing and wanting for you!  I ache for you God!  I am desperate for you!  

Great is our God!  If you do not know the Lord, please say this prayer.  "Heavenly father, I have made a mess out of my life.  I have heard your word, but turned away from you and I am sorry.  I want you to save me Jesus.  Please come into my heart and help me live for only you.  Amen!  

Did you say that prayer?  Please send an email and please share!  It won't be posted here, but I would love to hear from you if anything on this blog is a blessing to you!

God be with you all!  Look up!  For Christ's return is imminent!  It is SO CLOSE I can feel it!  Praise God!

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JeriAnn Eakin