Tuesday, July 10, 2012

God Bless America's Son

In 1750 George Washington took a thousand mile journey along with a guide, to deliver a message to the French and Indian at the fork of the three rivers, now known as current day Pittsburgh, but known at the time as "Ft. Duquesne," to vacate the Fort.   He nearly drowned in a river getting there to deliver the message!

When General Braddock, an arrogant British General came along two years later with his men to fight them, Dinwiddie sent Washington along as a "guide," because he had made the journey and knew the way.  He was not a member of the militia at that time because there had been an uproar in England and the British Regulars were angry that the Militia Members in the US Colonies were making rank faster, with more pay etc., and when they tried to demote Washington, he was so insulted that he quit!

On the way to Ft. Duquesne, he fell ill and the surgeon traveling with Braddock and his men made Washington stay behind 3 days.  When he was finally able to travel and reached the site of the battle, not only was Braddock mortally wounded, 977 British Regulars were dead along with 63 British Officers.  

He got out of the covered wagon he had been riding in and got on a horse, two pillows under him, and when the Indian chief they were fighting saw him, hiding in the woods of the fort and the trees, he told his men, "this man doesn't fight like the others.  He fights like an Indian, aim your arms at him and let your aim be true."  They shot two horses out from under him before it was over, but he saved many when he rode into the battle to cry "retreat!"

He had bullet holes in his hat, shirt and pant legs that were torn, and it was a miracle he survived the onslaught of all of the weapons aimed at Him.  I believe He had some help from above. 

A few years later in 1755, after the British had successfully ended the French Indian war, Washington, being a land surveyor, was sent to survey the land (he laid out the city of Alexandria, VA, bet you didn't know that.  I didn't!),  to divide it among the American Militia Men who fought the battle so they could have homesteads.  

The Indian Chief who had called for his men to aim at Washington heard somehow that he was headed his direction, and though he was old and close to death, he made his men carry him into Washington's path where he bestowed a prophecy upon him.  "This man shall not die in battle, for a greater power protects him."  Then, the most amazing thing he said...gives me goosebumps....the Indian Chief proclaimed that "one day, he will be known as the leader of a great Empire."

George Washington made a covenant with God to protect him and his men as they ran for their lives in one of the first devastating battles of the Revolution.  The fight for New York City.  They had lost many men, and they were trying to escape, but the British fleet was already in motion trying to surround them and force the American Colonists to surrender.  However, that wasn't what God planned, and many men were still trying to escape in the night, but they were facing head wind.  Suddenly, the winds shifted in their favor and they were able to move more quickly towards safety.  But as day was about to break, there were still many men who needed to escape and another miracle was needed.  Just in time, a providential pea soup fog came into the harbor out of nowhere, protecting the Continental Army as they made their escape.  They floated right next to the British Flotilla, but the fog was so thick, you could barely see your hand in front of your face.  Washington was the last to leave shore and get in a boat and flat away right under their noses!  If not for the tail winds and the fog, the Revolutionary War would have ended before it had begun!

If you haven't read "The Covenant," by Timothy Ballard or "The Real George Washington," by Jay Parry, I suggest you find a copy of both and read up.  This country has a Covenant with God, and we have broken it.  It is time to get back to God, get on our knees and pray for this country before those who want again, to do us harm, are allowed to tear us and this Country apart.

We all have a little of Washington in us.  It is for us that he fought, it is for us that he served.  We owe him and the Founding Father's a debt we cannot repay unless we mobilize against the evil that is about to come upon us.

The Club of Rome has a map of 10 different sections that will be the "New World Order," and it is time to prepare our minds, our hearts, our bodies and gird ourselves with the Word of God and above all, our faith, the kind of faith Washington had, or this country will fall.

Pray with diligence that these despots are not allowed to take our country away from US!  WE THE PEOPLE!  Above all, ask God for Grace.  We are going to need it! 

God Bless the United States and her first son, 
George Washington!

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JeriAnn Eakin