Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Self Control Vs. The Rant

How long has it been since you got angry in traffic?  Maybe you ranted all the way home at that smaller, slower car in front of you in traffic, that leaves a huge space between themselves and the car in front of them, and traffic is heavy, you're in a hurry, and you're yelling basically at nobody, "Come on!  GO!"

God told me this morning that I am running out of time.  I am running out of time to save souls.  The day is drawing nearer my God to thee folks!  And the time of reckoning between my self control and my rant has finally come.

The ranting is over.  The sin is over.  The pain is over.  The past is in the past, dead and buried FOREVER with Christ Jesus who went to the depths of hell to set the captives free and rose triumphantly from the dead, forever raised to sit at the right hand of the Father, and His return is drawing near! There is no more mourning, just happiness and a fervor for ministry to others who are just like I was, ranting at traffic, or to anyone who will listen to you rant, as I used to.  I could never get my eyes off of myself, or out of the rear view, but praise God, today was the day God finally set this captive free!

No more, "well this and that, and so and so, and on and on and on and on."  My self control vs. my rant was constantly getting me into trouble, getting in my way and now I recognize the tool of the devil to stop the train of victories in my life, usually with that big hole near the bottom of my face!  I have finally found an answer to help me, and if any of you have the same problem, don't despair like I did.  Just imagine Jesus in control, behind the wheel, and just let go and let God.  The only one you are not helping by ranting, or saying things that you don't mean or rambling on and on about stuff that is basically meaningless is yourself.  God wants to use you, not lose you!

I have just had a major breakthrough that my recovery has already occurred.  I have been recovered, reclaimed, restored, re-confirmed, re-established, re-cleansed, rejuvenated, refreshed, rebuilt and every "RE" that is in the book!  When God salvages you from the bottom of the ocean, you just kinda know it?  No other recovery is really necessary.

My self control problem was that hole in the center of my face, and God gave me the answer to stop the trigger of my emotions speaking out first, and a vision of Christ next to me with His finger over my mouth and asking me, "What do you think I might say?"  Letting the spirit speak through us is how we reach others!  We live the life He would have lived!   Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths!"  OH MY GOODNESS THE LORDS GRACE IS BEING POURED OUT!  DO YOU NOT FEEL IT????

The Lord hasn't stopped conversing with me since the study I attended last night.  We were studying  Nehemiah, who went to the King with a down cast face, which as a cupbearer was punishable by death in those days.  A cupbearer was responsible for tastimg the food and wine before the King and Queen to assure it's safety, i.e., that they wouldn't be poisoned, and a few other things were involved, but Nehemiah had a down cast face and after several years of service, a friendship had been established.  When the King inquired of the sadness he saw in Nehemiah he told the King that he wanted to go to the burial place of his fathers, and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.  (Nehemiah 2:5)  The King let him go!  He was with the Queen and they asked Nehemiah for a time frame, and the King also provided all the necessary lumber, and materials that he would need to accomplish the job which was completed in just 52 days!  (Nehemiah 6:15).

Curiously, in Nehemiah 6:3, he is asked to come down from his work on the wall.  He sent messengers to those who had asked him to retreat from his work saying, "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?"  This verse tells me that I am running out of time to do the job that God sent me to do, which is to tell you that God loves us all very much, so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on Calvary's Cross to save us from our sins so that we should not perish but have everlasting life!  (John 3:16).  The work is started, He is rebuilding me in a quick way, building on my past studies, and telling me new information all the time.

What  is really eerie?  After the wall was completed in just 52 days, Israel's enemies were stunned!  "When all our enemies heard of it, and all the nations surrounding us saw it, they lost their confidence, for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God."  (Nehemiah 6:16).

That is an interesting verse, because immediately after the rapture, the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth with the Bride of Christ, the Church, and immediately, God will cause a great delusion to come upon the earth, but some who have been enemies to us, who knew we were Christians, (think of the Christians being slaughtered in the Middle East and Africa?) what will they think when all the Christians disappear?  They will be afraid, they will lose their self confidence and they will know that our God has saved us and that Jesus is very real!  Oooohhhhh just gives ya goosebumps doesn't it???

So look up - We are going home very soon!  God is whispering things in my ear, and I no longer have time to mess around with studies that will remove me from my appointed rounds.  I cannot leave the wallbuilding until the wall is up and all those that can be saved are saved!  I am meant to do ministry, not recovery, for God has already recovered me!

It just hit me this morning, but I am moving on in my passion for Christ and His message to the church!  "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God."  (Revelation 2:7)

Jesus is our King.  He has already equipped us with the necessary tools, and gifts of the spirit to complete our task and we are all running out of time to complete the tasks He has given us for Jesus is near, even at the door!  Please, church, get on your feet!  Don't give in, don't give up, and keep looking up, for our redemption draweth nigh!

God Bless you all today as you go about your daily tasks and don't lose your self control because of traffic, or something someone said that hurt your feelings, or made you feel bad.  Just let it flow off of your back like water off of a duck! Go and serve your King!  And "May the King Live Forever!"  (Nehemiah 2:3).  We will Reign with Jesus forever - get ready church, cause he's getting ready to call us HOME!  (Revelation 4:1).  Jesus has delivered me from my rant, and now my King is in full control!

I am no longer caught up in myself!

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JeriAnn Eakin