Monday, July 30, 2012

The American Dream over Monday Morning Coffee

Here we go, another week about to start!  I hope you will come here first and get a little encouragement to start your week, and remember, don't work too much, keep a good balance!  Without balance, your life will completely fall apart.

Your family needs you Mom/Dad, and you need to remember that while success is wonderful to have, it's not worth losing your family for.

So be thankful for all you have and remember to build the foundation of your lives on the rock of Christ, and not just a hill of sinking sand.  You could start by going to church on Sunday's, reading your bible, and preparing yourselves for the times ahead.  Occupy Wall Street and the unrest that comes with it, is beginning to frighten a lot of people, so don't take your families for granted, and don't let your job dictate your life to you!  The losses you might incur?  Well, it's just not worth it now is it?  Praise God, there is a reset button.  All you have to do is "choose" to press it!

I will be praying for all of you, just as I do every day. I am burdened for you all and what you're going through, even if I don't know what that issue/problem/situation might be, and even though I don't know you, God does, and He knows everything you're going through!  I am trusting Him to work it all out for you!  He can do a great work in your life if you allow Him to control your destiny.

Hope you have a great Monday.  Enjoy your coffee! 

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JeriAnn Eakin