Sunday, July 8, 2012

Texting for Jesus!

Okay, so how many times a day do you text? 5? (Whoa, you need an unlimited plan! lol), 10, 20, 30, endless?  Well what if we used all these gadgets and gizmos we have with all this new technology to reach others for Christ? (Just whatever you do, don't text while driving or walking down a busy street. You might get hurt?).

Like you teenagers?  When your at the end of your "textathon" maybe you could invite your friend to Wed. night youth group? Then in that final text say, "God bless, CYA tomorrow! (add a smiley face!)

And you workers out there, I don't care what business you are in, you carry a cell phone!  Be uplifting and encouraging.  Maybe your texting a co-worker who is going through a divorce they really don't want.  Tell them you'll pray that he/she changes their mind and stops the proceedings.  Then commit in your own heart to pray for both of them!  Sign off all your texts with, "Take care, God Bless.  See ya tomorrow.

And what about you housewives out running errands texting your 16 yr old at home to make sure everything is okay, and to make sure that you don't need to make a stop at the store on the way home??  End your text with "You're such a great kid.  I thank God for you in my prayers every morning and every night.  Thank you for being so responsible and for helping out at home.  Love u!"

What we say to others, whether in person, on the phone, or through a text message, has meaning!  It just dawned on me that we have all these wonderful gadgets and gizmos, but how often do we use them to bless one another or those who don't know Jesus?  Shame on us! If you feel weird about it, just ask God to give you the right words and He will!  Remember, you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, so don't shrink from the opportunity, grasp it with zeal!

If we are going to make it thru what is to come, we need to be on our knees and telling everyone we know!  If I had just reached out to my neighbor, a nice guy whose tree fell thru our fence one windy night and did most of the clean up together with his wife?  If I had just reached out to them...maybe he wouldn't have hung himself in his garage!

Belief in action can happen in texting too!  Show others, especially those you really care about, the love of Christ by texting what He might have texted!  Again, even thru these gadgets and gizmos that God gave man the intelligence to create means that God has a far reaching hand in our lives even when we aren't paying attention!

So text or phone a friend to check up on them, and love and accept people just the way they are!  Love others and help those who need it!  It isn't hard, you just have to TRY!  Upside?  God will bless your efforts even if they are not fruitful!

So will you run away from my challenge or will you text for Christ?

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JeriAnn Eakin