Friday, July 20, 2012

We Gotta Start Somewhere

I just heard of the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado that occurred last night 20 minutes into the Midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises," the new Batman movie.

I am in prayer for the 12 families that have lost a loved one, especially for the 3 month old injured in the shooting when a masked man in body armor, armed with an AR 15 assault rifle, a Remington 870 12 caliber shot gun, as well as a 40 caliber Glock hand gun, walked through the exit doors, threw gas canisters into the crowded theater which was full of families and children, and then opened fire into the crowd, killing 12 and injuring between 59 and 71 other people, including children and members of our own military. (Numbers of the injured are sketchy at this point).

This young man, James Holmes, age 24, had no record.  Just a traffic violation.  Thankfully he was arrested in the parking lot behind the theater before he could escape or detonate any of the bombs left behind in his apartment building, complete with trap wires.  They evacuated 5 buildings before going near the building where he lived, and have apparently diffused several devices.  They also decided to check his places of employment, doing an explosives sweep with dogs, etc. to ensure their safety.   As of yet, he has not stated the "why" as to what he has done and it is just unfathomable, so I doubt that any explanation except maybe he went off his meds, would make any sense to anyone at this point.  When they went into the apartment one official said it was like nothing he'd ever seen, so this young man knew exactly what he was doing and was prepared to kill as many people as he could.

The charges filed against him will range from 1st degree murder, brandishing a weapon in public, illegal discharge of a firearm with intent to kill as well as attempted murder of those in the theater as well as in his apartment building possibly over 1,000 counts there, depending on how many could have been killed or injured if the bombs he left in his apartment had gone off, explosives charges, oh the list will be so long. This guy will be charged with Capital Murder, and will receive justice for what he has done, most likely a needle in the arm.

We should all begin praying for our communities to be safe from all these horrible actions by unstable people.  Perhaps there is nobody to blame and this is just an isolated, random incident, but now do you understand why it is so important to reach out to those who are not saved?  Will it begin with you?  You're neighbor's?  You're friends?  You're family?  For those of you who are highly affected by this tragedy, God is calling your name and He wants you to share His!

As for me, I am going to spend the day in prayer, for that 3 month old child, and the others who were injured as well as the families who've lost a son/daughter, husband/wife, mother/father, sister/brother, or friend.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.  May He lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."  (Numbers 6:24-26). 

Please pray for the gunman's family as well, even if you don't think they deserve it?  They've lost somebody today as well and I'm sure if they had an inkling he was ill, which he obviously is, they would have done something about it and gotten him the help he needed, but now it's too late and I will pray for their son who was clearly not in his right mind when he committed this horrific act, which he will no doubt pay for with his own life.  

When will we get the message?  God is telling us to "GO" and yet we sit.  There is a city on it's knees today in prayer.  Let us join them in solidarity today.  God be with you Aurora Colorado, you have our deepest sympathies.

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JeriAnn Eakin