Sunday, July 22, 2012

How Precious is the Name of Jesus!

Feeling redeemed much?  I tend to go back and forth, but only because I am a sinner.  Yep.  That's right, and I admit what a complete mess I have been throughout my life over and over on this blog, hoping it will strike a nerve in someone who is just like me.  I always talk about how "all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God," (Romans 3:23), including myself, but it's weird, I still struggle with it, even when I am in right standing and full agreement with God and without Him?  I am nothing. 

This used to be a feeling I associated with my parents because I felt like there wasn't anything I could do to please them.  I was always mentally running away from their judgments even when I really hadn't done anything wrong.  It was like running against a headwind that to this day has never ceased, (as the devil laughs at me no doubt).  I hoped for years for just one kind word, such as "I'm very proud of you," which to this day, has never come.  Now that my mother is gone, my dad tells me he loves me, but I still never hear anything that says "I approve."

You know, sometimes you have to let what your family thinks, including those around you at church, as they are considered "family," as well, slip into the ether and remember what Jesus thinks about you.  He loves you, and no matter what you do, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven because He loves us unconditionally.  That means that no matter what we do, or say, He will always forgive, teach, and mentor us through His word, helping us to walk in the way everlasting.  Even if we are alone, and feel like we will never "fit," this is true.

So what about you?  Do you feel like nothing you do is good enough?  Maybe you're like me and you feel like you are different, so different, that you are that one extra piece to the jigsaw puzzle that just doesn't seem to "fit" anywhere?  That no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to find that place where you truly belong?

I've had such a hard time with this same feeling, that I go back and forth, rejecting myself because at times, I still feel un-redeemable, un-loveable, and un-acceptable.  I just had a day recently where I struggled with that feeling and and I'll be 50 in September!  I have to tell you, I am so grateful to be a Christian, that while I have good days and bad with the fibromyalgia pain,and with that feeling like I don't "fit,"  or "belong," that I know it's just the devil trying to put my eyes in the rear view, yelling at me, "Nobody will ever accept you!"  But when I am alone, talking to the Lord, I know I FIT!  I was a missing piece of HIS puzzle and He was looking for me! 

"Jesus is the way the truth and the life, and nobody comes to the Father but by Him."  (John 14:16).  This means that the only thing we can do to get to heaven is accept God's precious gift.  His only son was put to death on a cross made of wood, which he willingly suffered for all of us. When we accept that precious gift, then we will find where we belong, and as believers, we are instantly members of the family of God which will help us find out where we belong and then, we will find what ministry we have been called to! 

I have to admit, as someone who was fallen away for over 10 years, I've struggled with what church to go to, but I found my new home and am very happy there, so don't sweat it if it takes you awhile to figure things out.  Just remember this: Jesus is in the process of waking His sleeping church in order that we might hear the trumpet when He does call us all home!

Did you know, the last act of Jesus Christ was to Bless those who were watching Him ascend into Heaven?  (Luke 24:51).  That Blessing passed from believer to believer, generation to generation and that means we as believers were all Blessed by Jesus Himself!  To have the Blessing of God is an amazing thing and He wants us to receive that Blessing into every aspect of our lives so that we might live the life Jesus wants us to live, and we should focus ourselves to live for Christ and live the life He would've have lived if He hadn't died for us in our place!

No matter what the situation we are in, we all need to remember to see the bigger picture a little more often so that we don't offend anyone.   Even if you are not sure of what ministry the Lord is calling you to, begin speaking the things that are not as if they are, and they will manifest themselves through the spirit, if you're motives are right and  you are asking for the right things, the spirit is a "can do" guy who will bless the desires of your heart! (Romans 4:17-18).

Thank you Father God for the precious gift you gave us when you gave your one and only son, to die for our sins so that we might live.  Thank you that you allowed His Name to be known as the only name on earth by which men may be saved!  (Acts 4:12).  Thank you Jesus, for accepting me "just as I am."  Thank you for comforting me this night, and may your peace reach out through this blog to others who are hurting as well tonight.  Show them your presence in a mighty way, something they cannot ignore, and give them peace.

My toll free line is open 24/7.  1-888-359-5439, so If you need a friend to listen, or you need help understanding just what it is Jesus has done for us?  Call me.  I'll listen.  I'll try to help in any way I can and I will commit to pray for you so that the Lord can begin the same kind of miracle in your life that He has affected in mine!  His name is great, His name is wonderful...His name is Life Everlasting, if you will just believe!

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JeriAnn Eakin