Monday, July 23, 2012

His Name is Stronger Than You Know!

Are you living with a brokenness that doesn't seem like it will ever go away?  Just a long term, seemingly endless period of your life where one day everything is fine, and the next, everything is, at least in your own eyes, falling apart and you just can't seem to put your finger on the "why?" of it all?  

I have gone through these periods of off and on oppression since my mom thew my dad out of the house just two weeks before Christmas and filed for divorce.  I was just 8 yrs old.  Even before that I suffered via kids at school.  "What is wrong with you," "you're so dumb, it's a wonder that Walt Disney didn't pick you to play the part of Dopey in the 7 dwarfs," and on and on it went, getting worse, the older I got. 

I have suffered from this malady myself and it may go on for a few days, and other times, a month or so.  Both sexes are susceptible, but it may not be medically related.  At times it seems you are fine, and then, suddenly, that weird, strange feeling of insecurity and confusion strikes, again lasting a day or two which can be cause for concern, but you may want to try consulting your Bible first before going to your doctor for answers.  I have found that confessing my unconfessed sins to God and asking for forgiveness helps immensely in wiping out the tricks of the devil who constantly plays with my emotions and causes me to say or do stupid stuff!

What we have to understand is that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  (Ephesians 6:12). 

It could be that everything else in your life is fine - health, marriage/family, finances, work, church, etc.,  but you also could be carrying this constant feeling of heaviness that you  just can't seem to shake off, as if impending disaster is near.

You've tried prayer, reading self help books hoping to find the answer to your problem, and nothing has worked.  Now the idea of ever being happy again seems to be completely elusive.  And while this seems to be the darkest time you've ever been through, you begin to wonder, "Where are you God?  Why aren't you helping me?"  Well, I can guarantee you, even if you don't feel He is there, He is carrying you through these dark troubled times.

You're problem most likely has nothing to do  WITH YOU, so get off the devil's roller coaster!  See the attack for what it is, up close and personal and remove yourself from the problem!  The devil who is whispering lies to you, and making you believe them!

The devil will use any opening, no matter how big, or how small in your life to gain a foothold and try to destroy you!  Don't let him!  Recognize the attack for what it is!  Speak the truth's of God's word into the air!  Do it everyday!  The devil cannot read your mind, so you MUST say the words!  I would suggest the book "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word," by Joyce Meyer and "Battlefield of the Mind," by Joyce Meyer  

First ask the Lord's forgiveness for any unconfessed sin you may have in your life, and then rebuke the devil out loud just like Jesus did in the book of Luke!  (See Luke 4:1-13).  Speak God's word, using the name of Jesus, and tell the devil all about what the word of God says, using the name of Jesus Christ, and I guarantee he will leave you alone!  He left me alone, and I had this problem for going on 50 years!  "If the Lord be for us, who can be against us!"  (Romans 8:31).  Don't be "ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation!"  (Romans 1:16).

It may take time, patience and a lot of self control, but hey, if I can do it, anybody can, and I was a lost cause!

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JeriAnn Eakin