Sunday, July 15, 2012

Obedience to God & The Blessings That Follow

Sometimes, when we are so lost in our jaded hearts, filled with confusion, desperation, etc., we do things we never thought we would do.  This happened to me a few years ago.

I have now removed all of the walls between me and the Lord by coming into full obedience removing all of those sins and asking His forgiveness.  Now He is "transforming me, by the renewing of my mind," and the endless comfort I can feel coming from Heaven itself is amazing to me.

Do you have something in your life that is doggin you?  Some sin you can't seem to stop?  Do what I did.  Dump it, no matter what it is, because God has something better for you!  I promise He does!  His timing is always perfect, so be patient, for the provision has already been made for you I promise!  God's words, His promises, are solid, never ending, and they are from everlasting to everlasting!

So pick yourself up off the floor and get that one thing out of your life that is putting the wall up between you and God.  Start then to pray that God will bless you with what He wants for you!  Whether that is healing, or surviving, etc., stop the sin.  Get it out of your life, once and for all so that He can begin to work a miracle, giving you hope and strengthening you with his own hand.  

"He will lead you to the promise land, He'll lead you home!"  Michael W.Smith.

Don't give up!  God's got plans!  The valley your in, the mountain your climbing, don't let it blind you to what God's promises are!  You are a child of the king!  He loves us all, and wants the best for us!

Be obedient, and what seems too big, too overwhelming, will disappear.  God wants to love you.  Please let Him?  What you're searching for is right in front of you!  Reach out to God!  Get back to your scripture's, ask God to forgive you, stop feeling sorry for yourself, help someone else who's in trouble!  Get your eyes off of yourself, and put them on Jesus, or you will sink like a stone just like Peter did!

Be still and know that He is God!

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JeriAnn Eakin