Sunday, July 29, 2012

We Need to Be More Like Jesus

Do you feel the power of Christ in you?

It's okay - most people who say they are believers don't.  Some of us have so much going on in our lives, that it's kind of difficult to find time for God and really truly sit down day after day and spend time with Him.

I usually wake up speaking prayers for my day, or hearing scripture in my head, so it's kind of easy.  But I have a couple of secret weapons.  I am crippled by fibromyalgia, which I'm learning to praise God for even when it really hurts, and my children are grown up, and only one of them is still living at home. She's great to have around when I do get to see her, because it makes the empty nest syndrome not so bad, but I barely see her because she's always working.

So here are a few suggestions for those of you who have a hard time finding time to pray, or read God's word because there is so much going on in your daily life.

For instance, perhaps you and your spouse can pick the same chapter to read, and even maybe spend time in the morning reading it together out loud before you need to get moving for your day.  If you don't get a chance to do that, here is another idea:  Mom, you can read it after dropping off the older kids at school and when you get home and nap time comes around,  you can sit down and read that chapter.   And dad, maybe during a lunch break you can find a way to sneak away to read in a quiet place the same chapter your wife is reading at home.  You can read in the morning, but with little ones, it can be kind of hard, so this alternative may be helpful. 

Check on the left hand side of this blog in my "Other Great Site's" list and look for the link for Daily Bible Reading.  It's a great place to start!  You can also try One Year Bible Online! as well, and there are plenty of other sites that will help you to understand God's word, for instance, the Strong's Concordance, can help you find the meaning of words in Hebrew from the Old Testament and Greek from the New Testament!  Some of what you find there will knock your socks off!  (I dare you to use that link and look up one word - "Confirm."  It will blow your mind all the different things in the Greek that just one word can mean!  As believers in Jesus Christ's death on the cross, His resurrection and His ascension to the right hand of the Father in Heaven,  God confirms us as His children!  In fact, God is "confirming" us every day when we study His word, trying to get to know Him, and believe me,  you're efforts will not go unrewarded!  You will begin to see Him working in you, through you, and in the lives of your family as well!  Just make sure to pray before you read the chapter, and then again afterwards asking Him to "enlighten" you as to what it means.   

Then after dad gets home, and you're about to eat dinner, be a good example to your children and say grace.  Thank God for the food, and ask Him to bless it to the nourishment of your bodies, and thank Him for His son Jesus who gave His life so that you might have life. The little ones may not understand quite yet, but they will learn in time what it means.

Then after dinner, play time, bath time, bedtime stories, etc., make time to sit on the couch and look at the chapter together, sharing what you both learned from it.  Since our perceptions are always different, you will wind up learning from each other!  It will make you feel closer, and it will help you through rough times when they come because instead of leaning on the flesh - (each other) - you will both reach out to God first in times of despair.  And when you come into full obedience to God as the Holy Spirit leads you, then the blessing of God will over flow in your life!  To obey is better than sacrifice!  That is what God wants from us more than anything!  Our obedience!  Because then He CAN bless us!  Putting your trust in Him alone will become a blessing that lasts forever in your life if you continue to do so.  Give God His due and believe me things in your life will begin to change.  But remember, you both will have to commit to reading the chapter, and then talking about it - FIND THE TIME!  Or as Air Jordan might say, "JUST DO IT!"

If you are not attending church, find one.  If you don't like that one, keep searching until you find a church where you feel comfortable and then get involved.  Let me tell ya, there is nothing like being able to go to service, hold hands and listen to the Pastor teach you thing you didn't know, while your kids are in the nursery or children's church!  This little break from your children does you so much good, you will never know, plus your children will learn things that will bless you throughout the week!  And don't fret dad, most churches today have an 8:45 am service just for the Football lovers like you and me!   (Yeah, I love football too!  lol).

When we get rid of all of our sin, and live in total obedience to Christ?  The power of God will be evident in our hearts and then we will start to feel it surrounding us, protecting us, and then you will feel the Holy Spirit always there reminding us that we have sinned so we can say a quick, "Oops, Lord, I'm sorry."  Sin puts up a wall between us and God and it feels just AWFUL!  The only way to tear down the wall is to admit immediately that you have sinned and ask for forgiveness.  Trust me, it's the only way to live.  The joy that springs forth from full obedience to God?  It's an unspeakable joy that is just so hard to describe, that I won't even try.  But believe me, even though it can be hard to give up the sin?  It's even easier after we do!  God blesses us for giving it up - and giving our all to Him.  Our job situations improve, as do our relationships and we are just happier people!  Don't you want to be happier?  Just remember, "Can't never did anything."  Just remember to watch your attitude, cause you can bum God out just by having a bad one!

So, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2).

God bless you all today.  Get up and go to church, have a marvelous time worshiping the Lord and listen, learn and apply what you've learned to your life!  God will reward us just for giving Him our time and trying to become more like His son, Jesus!

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JeriAnn Eakin