Monday, July 30, 2012

A Moment of Prayer

Thank you Lord Jesus for the joy you have put in my heart since recovering me from certain loss into this world, it's ways, it's beliefs and it's woe's.  Thank you for predestined adoption through your son, Jesus.  (Ephesians 1:5)  Thank you for your constant forgiveness every time I blow it, which is several times a day.  Thank you that the Holy Spirit is there constantly reminding me that "Oops, did it again!"

I am so grateful to be your child, and to know you as my Abba Daddy.  You are the cornerstone that was rejected, but you are the cornerstone of my heart and my life and in all I do, I give tribute to you.  In my trials and my tribulations, you carry me, and in my victories I will give you all the praise!  Thank you God, for your son Jesus, and for giving Him for us so that we may live, and have life to the full! (John 10:10).

There is no way I could ever thank you enough Lord. But I will live every day in such a way as to honor you and you alone.  I will honor you with my words, my actions, my prayers, in all that I do.  My whole being, my soul, my mind, my heart, they all belong to you and you alone.  And even in the midst of my life, full of turmoil and strife, I will continue to trust you for a better tomorrow, and a future full of happiness rather than sorrow, shame and guilt.

I love you Lord.  Your little girl is afraid, but you did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self control. (1 Timothy 1:7).

I have a grateful heart and a life that is pure, humble and ready to do whatever work you call me to do.

In Jesus Precious Name, Amen. 

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JeriAnn Eakin