Thursday, May 31, 2012

Derby Car Miracles via a Giving Heart!

1st One to Cross the Finish Line Wins!

Of course this isn't NASCAR but when this one kid on our block showed up with the Derby car to end all derby cars, it was kind of a shock!   He passed inspection with flying colors while The 7 other boys from our block that had entered the race found themselves with their hand made derby cars, made by themselves without a father's help wondering how in the heck they could even compete!  The looks of hopelessness, fear of humiliation, disappointment, defeat and jealousy were almost instantaneous!

I'm sure the questions in their heads ranged from "Why didn't my daddy help me?"  or "Why didn't I get any help.  This sucks."  Why, why, why, the questions were endless in those boys minds, but what was about to happen filled their hearts with a great memory!  Something they would never forget!

As the inspections were continuing, two very large men began to unload a truck just across the street.  Nobody was sure who they were or what they were doing there until they started to unload 7 more cars just like the first one that all the boys had been grumbling about!  Needless to say, the boys were in shock! The men unloading the truck started putting several Derby Racers on the ground, lined up in correct order for inspection and with each of the 7  boys names air brushed over the sides of each car along with our street name on the back!

When his son asked his dad why he had done this he said, "Well, son, there just come a time when we should "love our neighbors."  He went on to say that though they would likely win the derby, he was more interested in winning some of those kids over, so that they would have a place to go when they felt afraid, or felt discouraged because their mom's and dad's were fighting or they had a black eye from the bottom side of an empty bottle of  whisky or there was nobody home, the list is endless.  Later he said he had created a family.  Eventually the girls on our block began to learn how to cook from his wife!   He and his wife took our neighborhood boys and girls and trained them, taught them, helped them with their problems.  The door was always open to us.  Their faith in Jesus Christ created a safe haven for all of us!

Our block did smoke everyone else that day, but it was Jesus who got the ultimate victory!  We began a family that day through those two wonderful people who couldn't have any children of their own, who reached out to a neighborhood full of hurting kids!  I will never forget them, God rest both their souls, because they brought people together in a seemingly dead neighborhood where only the kids talked to each other.

Those boys were allowed to take those derby cars home that day and one of the guys I have stayed in touch with all these years, still has his!  He treats it like a trophy and loves telling that story to the neighborhood kids who come around asking about it, so Jesus is still at work with just that one car!  

Our wonderful neighbor's gift to those boys that day has become legend in my old neighborhood.  They've never forgotten, and neither will I!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Their Sacrifice Paid for Our Freedom

Without the service and sacrifice of the Men and Women who proudly wear the Uniform of the United States Marines, the United States Air Force, the United States Navy, The United States Army  and the United States Coast Guard  we wouldn't have the kind of Freedom's that we so richly enjoy in this country and yet take for granted every day!

Please enjoy your Memorial Day, but please, also take the time to  Explain what Memorial Day is All About  to your kids and anyone else who will listen!  Tell them why we celebrate it and yet show humility in our celebrations because these men and women gave their very lives FOR US!

 While you're out there watching the burgers so they don't burn or you're in your kitchen worried that  your centerpiece is too big for the table, etc., rushing around to get everything ready to serve for your guests, stop for a few moments and really think about this! "Freedom Isn't Free!"   It always has a price doesn't it?  For some, the price has been way too high, so please pray for the Families of the Fallen today?  They will never fill the hole that has been left by their horrible loss.

Please remember the war isn't over so please consider committing to praying for just one soldier who is over there just once per day?  You don't have to know his name cause God already does!  He/she is just one more soldier out there who is still fighting for your rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" over in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world.  I think one prayer a day for just one Soldier is the least we can all do!

When you have all the chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs all grilled and ready to go, please make sure to put out your American Flags and say a special thanks to God for those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could all live in freedom!  They're valiant actions even unto death, made sure we would!  They died for US!  THEY DIED FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND EVERYONE WHO LIVES HERE!  For that they deserve and shall have our eternal thanks!
"For no greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."  (John 15:13)

God Bless The USA!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jesus, I Belong To You

Lord Jesus, You are the rushing wind full of Your Spirit that fills me with hope, strength, joy but most of all Love! 

Lord, I have given myself to You completely now, so it is in total humility that I come to your feet, ready to be forgiven, and ready to leave the things that I cannot control in your hands.  I'm ready to let you be Lord of all of my life and not just bits and pieces of it when I feel it is convenient for me to be fully submitted to you.   I give You Praise and Worship and my full of Love for You Lord!   I am not worthy of all the grace and mercy you have poured upon my head and I seek to truly be in complete submission to Your will for my life.  

Without you Lord?  I am nothing.  And yet there is nothing that can separate me from Your love, grace, mercy.....the list is endless!  "For "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39).   How comforting it is to know you will never leave me! 

Thank you Lord Jesus for all of your mercy, and the gifts and blessings you give to each of us!  Lord, help those who don't know you to just "stumble" upon You somehow?  Help them realize that they need You Lord and make me a conduit.  Give me Divine Appointments to reach out to those who need your love and grace!   I am trusting you to answer my prayer as I worship You Father God for with You nothing is impossible! 

Thank you for the grace poured out upon us all when you gave your "only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."  (John 3:16).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Joyful Song of the Sparrow!

I was just awakened by the sound of Sparrows singing the loveliest song outside of my window!  What a truly beautiful sound!

Sparrow's are known as "song birds," and always have the loveliest song to sing!  Just hearing them lifting up their praise to the One who made them and who cares for them causes my heart to soar!  Their song brings such comfort to my heart!  "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow nor reap nor store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matthew 6:26). 

You see, we are all natural worry warts, which steals our joy!  What we need to do is lay it at God's feet and let Him handle things for a while!  We are warned in scripture,  "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worries of it's own," (Matthew 6:34).  

We all have this void in us that can only be filled with Jesus for He is the only thing that satisfies!   "'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me."  (Revelation 3:20).  

If you keep ignoring the song of the Sparrow, your will always be trying to stay one step ahead, which brings anxiety, not joy!  It's one of the devil's best tools to get you to NOT ENJOY YOUR LIFE!  (Read John 10:10!).  Jesus wants you to be happy!  He wants to  above all, love you!  All you must do is believe John 3:16"  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, so that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life!"

Remember also this very important admonishment from the Apostle Paul:  "Do not be conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing and perfect will."  (Romans 12:2).

So, are you singing this morning?  Keep a smile on your face, a song in your heart and above all, keep your eyes  upon Jesus!

Have a great day everyone!  God Bless You All!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Heart of Worship is Jesus!

Let Everything that Hath Breath Give Praise to The Lord!

Here are some fantastic songs of some of the greatest Christian Artists that we listen to tapping our feet to the radio in the car or in church, we lift our arms in praise to Glorify Him who brought us all together to give Praise to God!

We want to GLORIFY the Lord Jesus Christ by singing Praises and giving Him all the glory in our daily walk with Jesus!

Why Not Start Today? 

Today, "Above all" else, 
Let Us Him Give Him Praise & Glory!

I used to wonder why God would care about me?
I was a total mess and so ashamed!  But then through His blood I was made clean in His sight again because "Jesus Paid it All!" God paid for us with a "Pearl of Great Price" because to me He is priceless! 
God Bless You All & May You all Be Still and Know He is God!  Let the Word of God Speak to us all so we all hear what you need for us to hear!

Praise You Jesus!
We Love You Lord and we want to Serve Only You!
We can't wait to meet You on the Clouds!
Come Soon Lord Jesus!  Come Soon! 

He Is, so don't doubt Him or in His Power to Save You!  We now have Eternal Life through His Grace and by his Stripes we are Healed!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Living For the First Time!

4 weeks ago today, I began a new journey with God that I wanted to share with all of you!

I was down, in pain, hardly able to move, and so depressed beyond what is normal, I just wanted to die.  There were reasons for it, but the people  that were causing me to feel that way were being controlled by the devil who would love nothing more than to keep me down and useless and unable to be used by God!  His demons were holding me back in my thought process.  The devil was keeping me captive in my fear, dread and agoraphobia to the point where I was refusing to leave my house! 

And then God stepped in!  He began to reveal Himself in a way that I've never known before.  He showed me that I had a choice to make.  I could either continue to just lay there and die, or I could get up and  do something about how I felt and move on with Him instead of this nothingness inside of me that was literally eating me alive!   God reached down, pulled me up out of my pig pen full of mud and whispered in my ear that He isn't finished with me yet and He needed me to come Home so He can accomplish what He has had planned for me all along!  Since the foundation of the World, God has had a plan for me!  (See Ephesians 1:4).

I am a New Creature in Christ Jesus!  Yeah, I know, how many times have I thought/said that, but I've never truly LIVED IT HOW HE SAID TO!  How about you?  Can you identify with that statement as a Christian?  I am a "bond servant" (See Romans 1:1), and I am called by God to live the life He would have lived!  It really isn't that hard to do for me because I have had His hand on me my whole life!  And SO HAVE YOU!  YOU JUST DON'T REALIZE IT YET!  

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears."  (See 1 Corinthians 13:4-10).

Just never give up.  Never give in, and above all check what you're hearing in your head against what God says about you in His word!  You'll be able to dispel those lies that the devil sends into your head all day long in no time!  Just have the faith of a little mustard seed and watch God grow you!  (See Luke 17:6). 

So stand strong in your faith in God for He loves you very much and so do I!  Lord, please bless those who read this, and if they don't know you Lord, help them to take a leap of faith and ask you to forgive them for their sins and to come into their heart and indwell them with your Holy Spirit so they can live life to the full!  (John 10:10).  In Jesus name, Amen!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Love Will Restore The Shining City on The Hill

"If we ever forget we are One Nation Under God, we will be a Nation gone under!"  Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of The United States of America.

Right now, more than ever in our life times, things are happening around us that are not just hard to understand, they are frighteningly similar to things some of us have been hearing all of our lives in Church.

There is a tension amongst certain groups of people that is really scary but totally describes what the bible says in Matthew 24 when Jesus said, "you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom."  We have had "nation against nation," in the 1st and 2nd World Wars, but I also know that Nation means "race," in the Greek, so the racial tension we are seeing is part of the "birth pangs," Jesus is talking about!  And what about the weather we've seen?  That should really give you all a clue!

But this racial tension, this class warfare with Occupy Wall Street where people have been raped, and now we have a murder on our hands out of the protest, along with millions of dollars in damage done by smashing windows, etc., and just plain ole behaving badly!  Some of those kids just want to WORK!  I don't want to say all of them are bad, because I know how hard it is for young people to get a job right now!  

We have racial tension, we have class warfare/division with so many out of work, and so many having more than we do.  It's hard not to be jealous but we must not covet what other people have!  It's a commandment, "Thou shalt not covet," is what it says!  

We are watching people be stricken, assaulted, raped, maimed even murdered in the Occupy movement, a young man named Trayvon killed in some sort of scuffle with an over zealous neighorhood watchman, two white reporters from the Virginian Pilot, sitting at a traffic light minding their own business when their car is surrounded by 30 black men who attacked them and then let's not forget the 19 yr old white teenager, who was just walking along minding his own business who was attacked by 2-3 young black men "for Trayvon," they said as they were beating him.  He was in the hospital in critical condition!  Some of these stories were not covered by the media and it was shocking that they weren't! 

It seems as though our country is caught up in a sort of unspoken civil war.  People with different political views, etc., clashing, not getting along, and of course those who are wealthy being demonized because they worked hard?  I've never heard of such a thing!  They may have more money, but how do you think we invented the middle class?  It's those companies that employ the middle class and give them the opportunity to do better in their lives, which most middle class people like me are happy with, because we know that without our bosses we wouldn't have a job.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH US AMERICA?  DO WE NOT SEE THAT THE HOUR IS LATE HERE?  Jesus said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  (John 13:34).

Honestly?  I am very frightened by some of this tension we see happening in our streets.  Greece is withdrawing money at an astounding rate, and they say they are not going to be able to keep up with it!  It's a run on the banks in Greece!  As of Friday they were hoping for some sort of help from Germany, but Greece's wealthiest people are leaving the country for more business friendly waters to save the money the government would no doubt try to punitively confiscate from them if they do stay!  (Sound familiar? Think Nazi Germany?) 

Remember to "be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:16).

Lord  give us the strength to admit we need Your help, and that Your divine providence is the only thing that can help our Nation now.  Help us to pray, teach others with patience, love others with even more patience, being Fishers of Men, and help us to always remember to pray for REVIVAL Lord!  That with the Help of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can once again be the "Shining City on the Hill as Ronald Reagan dreamed we would always be.

The sun hasn't gone down quite yet America!  Return to your faith!  Return to God!  He is calling your name!  Don't you hear Him yet?


Love will Restore the Shining City on the Hill!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What Does Love See?

I was abused in every way imaginable from the time I was little until I was kicked out of the house, and then I continued the abuse by abusing myself!  The memories of all that are very painful to dredge up, so I finally let my past go!  When my mother, the one who tormented me all my life,  died a few years ago, a lot of that pain died with her, because the Lord in His infinite mercy, told me she was His and that I would see her again some day.  I think God did that because He knew that I would torment myself wondering if I had witnessed to her enough, and I would worry whether she had made it into heaven or not.  She apparently did make peace with the Lord and asked Him for forgiveness so she could go Home and I am grateful to God for that!

I remember, I had just gotten off the phone with her the Thursday morning before she passed, and I remember hanging up the phone and  thinking out loud "Oh geesh Mom, you're going to leave us on JFK's anniversary!"  Then the guilt hit, "What will her friends think of me that her own daughter didn't come to see her before she died," even though she kept telling me she didn't want me there, and it was at that moment of torment and guilt that the Lord wrapped his arms around me with a peace that "surpasses all understanding"  (Philippians 4:7), and I audibly heard in my head, "It's okay.  She's mine."  My Mother Beverly Jean passed away on November 22nd, 2009.  She passed on the very day I had said she would.  The anniversary of JFK's assassination.  Pretty weird huh?  That's how I know it WAS God!

At the funeral the pastor, who didn't really know any of us, told a story about a black water beetle, and how when it dies, the shell opens and releases a bunch of beautiful dragon flies into the air.   At the graveside service, the pastor had us praying and like a good Christian girl, I bowed my head and closed my eyes, but my mom's heathen but very lovable friends didn't and they were all treated to the sight of a beautiful dragonfly floating over the beautiful red roses that draped her casket, right in front of her picture!  It just sort of stayed there for the prayer and then floated away again and it was gone before I saw it, but I didn't need to!  I had about 50 people telling me all about it at my Mom's house at the reception!

Now folks, that is GOD!  That is how He works!  He showed all of my mother's fallen away friends that HE IS GOD AND THAT HE IS REAL!   I came out of that experience understanding in my heart that all the things that she believed about me that were so wrong, were cleared up when the Angels came to escort her to Heaven!  When she died, she INSTANTANEOUSLY KNEW THE TRUTH ABOUT ME!

Do I think I was loved?  I do now more than I ever have.  I know now with a full heart how much my parents did love me, do love me and always will love me.  You see, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  (John 10:10), so don't let Satan and his minions keep you down like he was doing to me!  I needed to let the past go and get out of my own head! 

I now know what God see's when He sees me!  I have let go of the past and am now moving forward to the grace and glory of Jesus Christ that awaits me!  For "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,   let us throw off everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."  (Hebrews 12:1).  

Jesus thank you for putting the pieces of my life back together, and I pray for all who read this, that they will see your love in a whole new way Lord!  God bless all who read this!  Let them Renew their strength, let them Mount up with Wings like Eagles, Let them Run Lord and not grow weary, Let them Walk and not grow faint! (Isaiah 40:31).

Thursday, May 17, 2012

He's Changing Me from the Inside Out

Are you on a road that is destructive?  Are you walking in Faith?  Are you alone?  Are you scared?  Are you covered in the blood of our Savior Jesus or are you a lamb whose gone astray?  A Pearl of Great Price was paid for your redemption and most of you have heard the Gospel, the story of Jesus, but what have you done with your knowledge of Him?

Have you relegated Him to the shelf of history or is He a real friend, guide and helper, someone you think of as a very intimate friend?  Is your relationship with Him uncertain?  Is it cold?  You know full well he will spit out those of us who are neither hot nor cold?  

Is Jesus really REAL to you like He is to me?  It can be very difficult trying to understand and comprehend the ways of God.  But I will tell you something.  He is changing me in every way possible, and my life is overflowing with joy right now like I have never felt in my life!   Just 4 weeks ago, I wanted to DIE!  

I want you to experience the same kind of joy that I am experiencing!  I want you to experience the forgiveness and healing power of Christ!  I want to share my Jesus with you!  He wants to meet you where you are, and He accepts you as you are.  He loves you, for He made you to be the person you are going to become through the power of His Holy Spirit that will dwell within you! 

Please accept the gift of Salvation through Jesus?  It is a free gift, all you have to do is tell Jesus you accept His gift, that you know He died for your sins, and that you wish to be forgiven and live for Him!  He's always right by your side, so when you call upon Him, He will be there! 

Ask Him to forgive you for your sins so you can come home with the rest of us when the time comes?  He is at the door....He is so close and I can feel His presence almost every moment of the day now!  I am having an amazing, totally awestruck, breath taking journey from this life to the next and I just can't wait to meet my Jesus!

I hope you are blessed by this post and if you need someone to pray with you, or for your situation, please don't hesitate to call?  1-888-359-5439.  I hope you are having a good evening and that you are blessed with family around you and love in your lives. 

 God Bless!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prepare Ye The Way of The Lord

"Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold." (Matthew 24:12).

As Jesus sat atop the Mount of Olives, He answered the disciples who were asking, “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3).

The one thing that always gets me is how He tells them about the way men will begin to lose their love for others.  It is imperative as Christians that we make sure that we do not lose our love for not just our fellow Christians, but for our fellow man/woman as well.  No matter what, Love will always win out, so do not fear but rather respond to all things with a loving heart and you will be protected by the Holy Spirit who dwells within you, for "you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength."  (Philippians 4:13). 

I pray for all of my fellow men/women every day that the Lord may open all of our eyes even wider, and make us more awake, for the hour of His return to snatch the Bride away, is drawing nearer and nearer!  "For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words." (1st Thessalonians 4:16-18)

I usually try to keep this really simple, but the Lord has put it on my heart to not only return Home to His will for my life, but to shout to the blogosphere every chance I get that the TIME IS SHORT!  When God calls you to do something there is nowhere to hide! 

"O Lord, You have searched me and known me.  You know my sitting down and my rising up;  You understand my thoughts afar off.  You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.  For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.  You have hedged me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it." (Psalm 139: 1-6)

I have made a choice to live the life Jesus would have lived if He had not died in my place.  I am fully awake, alert and sounding an alarm that all Christians should heed!  Go back to church, take your family, talk to everyone you know about Christ and make sure that none are left behind!  "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to Salvation!"  (Romans 1:16).

Hide bibles in boxes under your home with instructions for what has happened when they suddenly see millions just disapper from the face of the planet!  With the Rapture, not only is Jesus removing the Bride from the earth, the Holy Spirit is going to leave the planet with us, leaving the people on earth in total chaos!  There will be no restraint!  People will be searching for guidance and won't find it unless we leave it for them!  At least give them a fighting chance to be saved if they do not heed the signs and give their lives to Christ before its too late?

I'm sorry folks to even have to ask this, but are you sitting on your hands and not willing to leave your comfort zone?  Well, that's just no longer good enough!  Live the Life!  Be a  light for all to see!  Let the world see JESUS IN YOU!  You WILL be blessed for your obedience and your faithfulness to Christ!  Don't let those rewards slip away from your hands!  Live for CHRIST!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

People Sinking Down

I am truly burdened for people that are battling through the same sorts of issues that I have battled for several years.  Issues like pain, depression, anxiety, panic, all tools of the devil to keep me asleep in my sin, and unable to be used by God. 

It came to my attention that a person I don't even know, is suffering in a way that is causing them to just give up.  I don't know all of the circumstances, but I was in that same place just less than 4 weeks ago.  I was blessed though.  I started to see things in a different light and in that different light, I began to see all of my problems for what they really were.  Fear, anxiety, severe depression over my lack of ability to do anything about my situation, the pain that had me physically unable to even drive a car, take a shower, leave my home....I was in real trouble.  I had become so hopeless about my life, that I just wanted to die.  I was even crying out to God in my own pathetic little pity pot way asking Him to "Just take me out Lord!  I can't take another day of this pain, emotional torment and this aching in my heart to just come home."  But my attitude and belief system were all messed up!

Then something happened inside of me that I never expected would happen.  God reached into my 'pathetic, sad, sorry, loser, not gonna make a thing of myself life' and began to make my life into something beautiful.  He is turning me around in a big way, and has totally changed my mind, my heart and Glory to God, my attitude!  

He is making me the person I was always meant to be in Christ.  He is now using me to help others find Him, find peace and find joy in their lives, no matter what their situation!  You see, when we learn to live in humility and love God, trusting Him like a little child, things start to change in your life.  All I had to do was ask God "Please find me worthy."  WHOA - BE CAREFUL IN ASKING THAT!  HE WILL MAKE YOU WORTHY!  I am now starting to truly enjoy the moments of happiness that we all know and love, but I really can't wait for that permanent forever joy, happiness, peace, contentment and best of all, that perfect, unblemished, uncorruptible body!  WOO HOO! I don't know about you, but at 50?  I can hardly wait!

So do you see someone sinking down into a depression unlike anything you've ever seen?  They are either in a physical/chemical imbalance and need to seek treatment, or they need you to speak the Words of God in FAITH over them, to them, in your prayers about them, ask your prayer groups to pray for them, and then stand back and WATCH GOD MOVE!!!!!


"Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."  (Revelation 16:15)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Anger, Forgivness and Moving On

Have you ever had one of those days?   You know where someone hurts you so bad, you feel like a little piece of you just died inside? 

Unlike smoking or other vices, some things are much easier to eradicate than others and boy did I ever pick the wrong week to stop getting angry about an issue that is extremely painful, hurtful and just down right wrong!  What's worse is how I feel about myself for losing my temper and "reacting," to the situation I came home to tonight, rather than being quiet in Christ's forgiving spirit and just disappearing to my room to cry like usual.  This night was different.  I had just gotten home from Bible Study where I haven't been in almost 11 years and that wiley ole devil just couldn't wait to put a bad "finishing touch" on my evening.

I'm sorry, but there are just some issues that are so far out of line with what God would want for my family, that sometimes I forget that I am to love, rather than to  judge.  When I forget this little tidbit that should be fixed 1st & foremost in my mind at all times, I wind up blowing up, which is playing right into the devils slimy hands! Worst of all is that when I do reach my limit and blow up, he sits in the balcony cheering as the demons shout and applaud from below in the cheap seats.

Jesus?  I'm sorry I lost it Lord.  I have no excuse, but you know why I did it and I know that you are just as saddened about this great pain in my heart and mind as I am, and the sin by my husband which is causing it.  But instead of getting angry, I was supposed to "not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord."   (Romans 12:19). 

Lord you You know how sensitive I am to this ongoing situation, so I will trust you to bring me to the other side of this horrible emptiness and pain that fills my heart and soul. 

Please help me to be forgiving, no matter how much it hurts Jesus.  Please help me live for you and no body else?   Bring me back into right standing with thee and direct all my paths?  Please take my sensitive heart and mold it in your hands?  Help me to not get angry at the person, but their sin, and to continue to pray for them instead of being angry and upset about something I obviously have no control over.  

You are in control of it all dear Heavenly Father.  How grateful I am that you are there no matter what!  I just ask....I need a miracle or I need a way out of this situation! 

Thank you Lord!  Amen!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Memories of Mom

I didn't have the best of upbringings, always feeling unloved, I was extremely insecure and fought like crazy to make everyone around me happy!  (Approval addiction can begin at a very early age when you feel like even your parents don't think you're good enough, or there is an older child creating nothing but havoc in your home).   I tended to put myself in a corner of the closet to avoid these tirades out of fear.

Because of the verbal and emotional abuse especially, I haven't always been the best mom, and for that at times I feel very ashamed.  God has forgiven me I know, but I I have continued to ask forgiveness of my chidren and ask for His grace!  I've apologized to my kids in the past, but I can never say I'm sorry enough for the mistakes I have made  and I want to apologize to my kids, again, including my new daughter in law for how I have treated her as well. The Word of God states, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."  (1 John 1:9);  Jesus death on the cross paid for every sin I've committed or will ever commit!  I must hold onto that or the devil will continue to win the "Battlefield of the mind!

My mom, Beverly Jean went home to be with Jesus on November 22, 2009 after a horrible  cancer, that took her way too soon at only 74,  Some weird things happened that week, and after all the years of praying, witnessing to her, and trying to get her to come to church with me, I know for an absolute FACT where she is!  She is in heaven with Jesus and I can't wait to see her again!  And believe me, I have this Word of Knowledge and promise from the best source possible - God Himseslf!

I got to speak to her one last time on the Thursday morning before she passed and I would have been right by her side praying for her, but she wouldn't let me even come to her side!  That truly saddens me to this day and always will that I didn't get a proper goodbye.  I spoke with her that morning just 3 days before she passed.   When I hung up the phone that day, God wrapped me in His arms and this feeling of peace covered me, for less than a second, in which I heard, "It's okay.  She's mine," and the spirit of peace lifted almost immediately. The peace of that moment resonates every time I think of it!   See God wasn't just answering one prayer, He was answering SEVERAL of my prayers for my mother to return t0 the fold!

I want to encourage all of you son's and daughters, regardless of what your circumstances were growing up to reach out for your final RELIEF from the Lord!  He is your ABBA DADDY!  LET HIM BE!  Forgive your mom and dad, after all, they are/were just human beings?  And don't forget, that without your Mother, you wouldn't even be here!

I challenge all those who read this to go re-read  Psalm 139 and see what it says about  you and how you were formed in the "secret place."  Our parents are merely "stewards" to raise us up properly but they are not perfect and they make mistakes out of wrong thinking!

This is for you Mom!   I miss you so much, I do not have words.  Thank you for pushing me when I didn't want to be pushed.  Thank you for making me try to fly when I was so clueless that I couldn't yet fly!  I love you Mommy.  Miss you more, but I know where you are and I can't wait to see you again on the day we are called home to be with Jesus! 

Until Then Mom!  
Love your baby,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

An Adventurous Heart

So what are your plans for such a beautiful Saturday afternoon?

I'll probably be doing some sort of study, cause it is a desire I just can't seem to walk away from right now!  I'm reading a great book by Joyce Meyer called "Be Anxious for Nothing," and it is having a great impact on my life, but only because Joyce doesn't teach anything except for the Word of God.
After that, perhaps a nap, or maybe a NASCAR race which I truly enjoy, even though I'm a girl, (Don't mess with my football picks during NFL season either!  I can pick from 10-14 games out of 16 any week of the year a gift I attribute to growing up with a Step Father and 3 brothers who all loved football, which caused me to love it too!  lol.).   

Then later I'll be back studying God's Word which is a fortress where I can hide and know I am safe!   God is always faithful and as it states in  Joel 2:38, "I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."

I cannot contain the joy, for it truly is like a rushing wind going through me when I give in to Him, which is so easy to do when I feel His arms envelop me and He whispers, "it's alright my child, I am with you from everlasting to everlasting."  I may be alone in my life, but only for a greater purpose!  It's really the only way He can get my attention, help me get well, bring me up out of illness, a lonely life and restore me completely!  (I still dare you to look up what "confirm" means in 1 Corinthians 1:8!  That is a promise for all who believe!

So what is the plan today?  Mow the lawn?  Do the shopping?  Do the laundry?  Washing the dishes, cleaning the refrigerator for the new groceries, or maybe a hectic afternoon of little league games and trying to enjoy your family, or maybe the drudgery of cleaning the pool for the kids as you curse the equipment for not working quite right....all replaced by happy children splashing in the now clean waves 4 hours later?

Nobody said life was easy, but YES INDEED IT IS AN ADVENTURE!  You just have to learn to lean on God's arms before you look at your circumstances through the arm of the flesh which will just make you MISERABLE! 

We are called to "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  Just imagine how doing that would make you feel inside?  You will be filled with joy!  Now wouldn't that be much cooler than losing your cool at stupid stuff like I used to do?

Do everything you do, work, chores, fun, with a smile and a heart full of gratitude for just being alive, and I guarantee it can change your whole outlook!  So whether drudgery or fun, remember that "We (should) demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Now, Let's Play Ball and have the adventure of our lives today before being exhausted and content at such a fantastic day and give God the glory!

Friday, May 11, 2012

He Takes My Breath Away!

A little while back before I started this blog, or even heard the sermon that spurred it into existence, I had a strange feeling.  As I was watching all that is happening in the Middle East I was hearing a slight whisper that all I have read in the bible since I was a teenager is true, and not only was it true, it was beginning to occur right before my eyes!  As a fallen away Christian who has not been in the fellowship of other believers for over 10 years, I still love the Lord, always have and I do know His voice.  He was there and comforted me when my mother died a few years back and believe me, when you hear God's voice?  It is unmistakable.  

Anyway, I had begun to pray that God find me worthy on that day when he calls home His Bride, the Church!  My life was a total shambles!  My days were filled with depression, illness and pain, and I was truly hopeless.  Well, little did I know that the post I shared the other day on how He "confirms" us was for a reason, and God always has one.  It dawned on me tonight that in order to find me worthy, He has to first build me, mold me, shape me and make me truly 100% HIS!

As I was in prayer, I closed my eyes and was transported to a place of when the rapture occurs?  I know that sounds weird, but I was atop a pink, blue, purplish set of clouds, running into His arms!  It was SO VIVID, that I know in my heart that it is truly a promise of a thing to come!  I'm a little freaked out, cuz its as if the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are watching as I type!  Actually when I stop to think about it, it's not really that much of a stretch cause I can almost always feel the protection of His angels.  They are protecting me from the devil, but I still make mistakes.  

I always try to correct them by apologizing to the one I offended and to God for offending Him and as I do,  I am back at His feet again, learning, listening and sharing with you all.

I do hope you are all finding solace, hope, and above all, Jesus!

Oh Lord, I am so small, just a blade of grass that withers in the is it that I have found such favor...something we all share as Children of Yours...please let all who read these words have Your Breath of Life blown back into their hearts, filling them with joy, love and unspeakable hope as they begin to hear You speak!  Thank you Jesus for your heart, for your sharing it with us, and for dying for me!  You are the only thing that satisfies me Lord!  

Jesus?  You Take My Breath Away!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Bench Warmer

Are you at a crossroads in your Christian walk?  Things around you don't look familiar anymore?  Your country is changing before your eyes, you've lost your job, are afraid of losing your job or the stress of the situation seems to be your only friend and you are running out of steam?  Trust me, that is the devil and you should resist him and flee!  (James 4:7).   Also be humble and remember that you're not the only one in this country or the world going through these things!  So don't just sit there when you're neighbor's in the bottom of the 9th with 2 out and a moving van in front of his house removing his family from the only home they've ever known!  Jesus expects us to reach out for them, especially when it's something out of our comfort zone!  Tell them you're there if they need anything, help them move, just be a Christian!  GET OFF THE BENCH!

How about this plan:  Instead of feeling sorry for what you never got to do, or can't do anymore, get off that bench and get into the game of changing your world for Christ!  If God can use someone like me, and believe me, some of my story is pretty awful guys, then He can use you too!

Infuse yourself into God's word!  Remember, "those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint!"  (Isiah 40:31).

In 1  Corinthians 1:25, Paul said "the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than man!"  Then in vs. 27, Paul proclaims "but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong."  God will choose the lowliest of the low and the weakest of the weak to get his job accomplished!  He wants to use us, but we must first have FAITH and only in HIM! 

So, are you a bench warmer who never or rarely gets called upon to play the game?  All you have to do is take the words of God and deposit them in the vault of your heart!  God wants to "confirm," you!  (1 Corinthians 1:8).  Look up what the word "confirm" means in Greek!   The depth and breadth of His word it knows no end, there are no boundaries!   So the time has come to stand, walk to the plate and knock a homer into the life of someone who needs Jesus!  Pray in faith for God to use you, and I guarantee you that He will!

Those who don't know Christ are in chains and some will mock you, but never forget that "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."  (Matthew 5:11).  For when we are persecuted we gain favor with God! 

We are about to be Raptured off this rock!  Do you really want your family and those you know and love left behind? 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Grace is Greater than Dysfunction

There is something that is on my heart tonight.  Dysfunctional families their households and the grip of fear that is within.  St. Peter once warned, "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  (1 Peter 5:8).

Are you living in a dysfunctional home?  Did you grow up in one and now you are afraid to even have children for fear you'll be just like your parents, or maybe you're already a parent and you have found yourself really losing it at your kids over something really minor?  

Trust me, I am the queen when it comes to killing a persons spirit, but it's because I never knew anything different, and I had to be healed by God first before I could see that.  I am grateful that He called me to account and I got a chance to tell my children how sorry I was for the things I was doing, the things I was saying and how I just wanted them to know that no matter what I said or did, that I loved them very much, and that I was working on fixing ME, and that there was NOTHING WRONG WITH THEM!   It was me who lived in an abusive cycle for years as a child and teenager and I didn't know how to break it, but they were going to be the ones to go through another cycle and I decided I couldn't let that happen.  I felt like I had to at least try to  undo what I had done and try to break its hold over my life!  It truly burdens and hurts my heart to think of people who are doing the same things that I did based on false belief systems and the pain of abuse they were brought up with. 

Let God be your father?  He will Father you correctly and will help heal your hurts, your sins will be wiped away, and you can start over, your whole family can start over, and even if you say, "No, it's too late, my kids are grown and don't want anything to do with me," I say hogwash!  It's NEVER TOO LATE TO SAY YOU ARE SORRY AND LET THEM SEE GOD'S LIGHT IN YOU AND CHANGING YOU!  BELIEVE ME, WHEN GOD IS SAVING YOU, PEOPLE NOTICE!  ESPECIALLY THOSE CLOSEST TO YOU!

I would always tell my children I was sorry when I would lose it and curse at them for stupid stuff like not picking up their toys, etc., etc., and my parenting skills, sad set that they were, it was all I had, so I sought help and found a few books on the subject.  I discovered a very important FACT!  For every one negative thing you say to your child about themselves, it takes saying 5 positive things to them about themselves to wipe out the one  negative!  And you should all take heed to this because  Jesus said,  "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"  (Matthew 19:14).

If you feel that you are going to lose it at your kids, stop, look up and ask God to help you break the chains that keep you in the flesh and not in the Spirit?  Whether you are a Christian or not, to harm a child, well, pay heed, for "It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin." (Luke 17:2). 

I do not say this to judge, but rather to nudge you toward the great blessings He holds in His hands, waiting to just dump them on your head!  Don't be a dummy!  (I've always wanted to say that! lol).  Do what I did, admit your sin, get down on your knees and ask God to break down the walls in your life, show you your sin and help you do better!  He will forgive you whatever you ask, whenever you ask and you should ask everyday because you are HUMAN and you are going to SIN BECAUSE YOU ARE HUMAN!  THERE AIN'T NOTHIN YOU CAN DO TO STOP IT!   So at least admit it?  Please?  For the sake of those who love you, and the people who work with you, the people who commute with you, and those in authority over you?  Get right with the Lord!  HE CAN FIX ANYTHING!  Let Him fix your relationship with your parents if it is possible, or pray that He works on it for you - leave it at His feet!  My parents are not just forgiven they are both now saved!  Remember, Miracles come in Can's, not Cant's!  (Joyce Meyer said that, and I'm passin it on! lol).

If He can reach down and fix me.....what could He do for you?  Have you asked Him lately?  Ask Him to remove your fleshly side, for even Paul commiserated that "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do," calling it the curse of the fleshly sin nature of all men.  DON'T LET THE FLESH WIN!  FIGHT THAT WILEY OLE DEVIL WITH THE WORD OF GOD!  


If you are a child/teenager living with abusive parents, there is help!  Contact Rocketown USA  for help!  Don't be afraid, for God is with you children!  Reach out your hands, never give up and be strong!  God wants to raise you up!  Help is on the way!

God bless those who read this Lord, and parents, God wants you to know that you are His children and He cherishes all of you too!  = )

Monday, May 7, 2012

He's Always Been There

Early last night I had a really bad allergic asthma attack and wound up in the local ER.  I've had them before, and understanding exactly what it was and what needed to be done, I calmly climbed into my car and drove to the hospital for help. 

I was under attack by the devil the whole way and he was winning because panic was setting in.  He tends to spout things into your head like, "You're dying," is the first one.  Then it's "You can't breathe!"  Then it's "You're so stupid, sucker, you know you can't go through this without the pills....You're weak....You should be so ashamed!"   He had me in the palm of his hand there for at least 15-20 minutes after being admitted.  It was slowly getting worse, but then something happened as I began to ask God to save me from this attack.

As I sat waiting, I started to get increasingly panicked.  Just then they came in for a moment and  left the curtain open just enough so I could see another patient across the ways in a distant room.  He looked way worse off than me, and my heart felt immediate compassion on him, so I started to pray for him.  I used the promises of Ezekiel 37 and the Valley of Dead Dry Bones!  I opened the palm of my hand and blew towards him, praying that God's breath of life would reach him through me, just praying it.  I do not know what God has in store for any of us, but when God gives you a command to pray in a certain way, you do it!  I might look like an idiot at some point, but I don't care.  I'd rather be ridiculed for Christ then feel comfortable in my "complacency", which is the "death to all Spiritual Growth."  (A. W. Tozer).  I know God is faithful and He will work miracles in those peoples lives because I was obedient!   As for my failure, and the panic attack and the nebulizer....I did feel very defeated, and ashamed that I had somehow failed God by not trusting Him more.

Then out of nowhere, I suddenly had this thought this morning and as the river of tears began to fall I prayed, "Jesus...oh went through all of my panic attacks on the cross, you felt that horrible feeling of the devil grabbing you by the leg, pulling you under the earth kicking and screaming..oh Jesus, I'm so sorry!" I actually was grieved for the panic attacks he suffered on the cross because of me, because I know how awful they are!  He had every sin of every human being that would EVER live in his very soul as He died for us!  Is it any wonder that He died of a broken heart?

This realization had me in tears.  Not only did Jesus feel our sins, He felt our disappointments, our hurts, could feel our tears, our shame, our rejections, our worst fears that keep us paralyzed in sin, our physical infirmities, our panic syndrome, our mental illness....can you just imagine what He went through on that cross?  It truly never occurred to me, but if all things are out of sin, and Jesus died for all of them, that would include all of the medical infirmities brought on by incorrect living, addiction, all the bad things we have done, bad words, and thoughts that not only hurt ourselves but can hurt other people as well, and the pain it can cause them, which might cause them to sin in their hearts with unforgivenss of others, which causes so much pain, not just to the person we have wronged, but to Jesus too.  "What you do to the least of these my brethren, you are doing it unto me."  (Matthew 25:40).  That doesn't just include the "good" things we do folks, it includes the bad stuff too and He weeps for us that we just don't get it you know?

I am finding victory over a beat up body, abuse riddled, guilt riddled, pain riddled, panicked riddled and asthma riddled now apparently (lol), crippled in every way possible, I mean, I truly am a broken human being, but He is fixing all the damage that has been done, either through the devil's attacks through others, or the attacks I placed upon myself for so many years, saying to myself I couldn't be better than I am.  Well, I'm here to tell ya, the Lord has been there all along, and now that I am listening, "I am confident of this, that he who began a good work in you (and me!), will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 1:6).

My healing is in Christ Jesus and no other.  I await the moment when I can just touch the hem of his robe.  It's okay, I will get victory over it, but it is so comforting to know He is already there!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Be Still and Know

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness shall be added unto you."   (Matthew 6:33).

Seeking God first is what we have been called to do as Christians, but have you ever stopped to think about that second part? 

In Ephesians 1:4, Paul outlines just a few of the blessings in store for believing Christians.  The blessings in store for us can't be counted, of course,  for they go into eternity with us, so how could their number have an end, but here is just a very short list of the best blessings!  I have rejoiced over and over reading these passages!   Here is what Paul said we could expect to attain as believers in Ephesians chapter 1: 
  • Chosen to be Holy and Blameless in Him before the Foundations of the World
  • Predestined to adoption as son's of God
  • Sons & Daughters of God through Christ
  • Forgiveness of our Sins
  • The Richness of His Grace
  • His Wisdom & Insight
  • He Reveals the Mystery of His Will to us
  • His kind intentions poured out on Believers through the mercy of Christ
  • We will Inherit the Kingdom of God through Christ
  • Predestined According to His Purpose
  • Sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of Promise
  • We are God's Possession
  • We have the Hope of His Calling
We Have the Hope of His Calling.  Wow.  If you read through the entire chapter of Ephesians 1, you will see these promises flowing from the page and I hope for the first time, you weigh what it means to have all of the above working for you!  For if God is for us, who can be against us?  (Romans 8:31).

You know something?  Some times God and all He has done for us just kinda leaves me a little speechless.  Thank you Jesus for your love, and for all You have done for us Lord!  Your ways are so wonderful...quiet our hearts Lord so that we may all have a word from You!  

Be blessed and have a terrific day everyone!  God Bless You All!