Thursday, May 17, 2012

He's Changing Me from the Inside Out

Are you on a road that is destructive?  Are you walking in Faith?  Are you alone?  Are you scared?  Are you covered in the blood of our Savior Jesus or are you a lamb whose gone astray?  A Pearl of Great Price was paid for your redemption and most of you have heard the Gospel, the story of Jesus, but what have you done with your knowledge of Him?

Have you relegated Him to the shelf of history or is He a real friend, guide and helper, someone you think of as a very intimate friend?  Is your relationship with Him uncertain?  Is it cold?  You know full well he will spit out those of us who are neither hot nor cold?  

Is Jesus really REAL to you like He is to me?  It can be very difficult trying to understand and comprehend the ways of God.  But I will tell you something.  He is changing me in every way possible, and my life is overflowing with joy right now like I have never felt in my life!   Just 4 weeks ago, I wanted to DIE!  

I want you to experience the same kind of joy that I am experiencing!  I want you to experience the forgiveness and healing power of Christ!  I want to share my Jesus with you!  He wants to meet you where you are, and He accepts you as you are.  He loves you, for He made you to be the person you are going to become through the power of His Holy Spirit that will dwell within you! 

Please accept the gift of Salvation through Jesus?  It is a free gift, all you have to do is tell Jesus you accept His gift, that you know He died for your sins, and that you wish to be forgiven and live for Him!  He's always right by your side, so when you call upon Him, He will be there! 

Ask Him to forgive you for your sins so you can come home with the rest of us when the time comes?  He is at the door....He is so close and I can feel His presence almost every moment of the day now!  I am having an amazing, totally awestruck, breath taking journey from this life to the next and I just can't wait to meet my Jesus!

I hope you are blessed by this post and if you need someone to pray with you, or for your situation, please don't hesitate to call?  1-888-359-5439.  I hope you are having a good evening and that you are blessed with family around you and love in your lives. 

 God Bless!

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JeriAnn Eakin