Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jesus, I Belong To You

Lord Jesus, You are the rushing wind full of Your Spirit that fills me with hope, strength, joy but most of all Love! 

Lord, I have given myself to You completely now, so it is in total humility that I come to your feet, ready to be forgiven, and ready to leave the things that I cannot control in your hands.  I'm ready to let you be Lord of all of my life and not just bits and pieces of it when I feel it is convenient for me to be fully submitted to you.   I give You Praise and Worship and my full of Love for You Lord!   I am not worthy of all the grace and mercy you have poured upon my head and I seek to truly be in complete submission to Your will for my life.  

Without you Lord?  I am nothing.  And yet there is nothing that can separate me from Your love, grace, mercy.....the list is endless!  "For "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39).   How comforting it is to know you will never leave me! 

Thank you Lord Jesus for all of your mercy, and the gifts and blessings you give to each of us!  Lord, help those who don't know you to just "stumble" upon You somehow?  Help them realize that they need You Lord and make me a conduit.  Give me Divine Appointments to reach out to those who need your love and grace!   I am trusting you to answer my prayer as I worship You Father God for with You nothing is impossible! 

Thank you for the grace poured out upon us all when you gave your "only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."  (John 3:16).

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JeriAnn Eakin