Saturday, May 12, 2012

An Adventurous Heart

So what are your plans for such a beautiful Saturday afternoon?

I'll probably be doing some sort of study, cause it is a desire I just can't seem to walk away from right now!  I'm reading a great book by Joyce Meyer called "Be Anxious for Nothing," and it is having a great impact on my life, but only because Joyce doesn't teach anything except for the Word of God.
After that, perhaps a nap, or maybe a NASCAR race which I truly enjoy, even though I'm a girl, (Don't mess with my football picks during NFL season either!  I can pick from 10-14 games out of 16 any week of the year a gift I attribute to growing up with a Step Father and 3 brothers who all loved football, which caused me to love it too!  lol.).   

Then later I'll be back studying God's Word which is a fortress where I can hide and know I am safe!   God is always faithful and as it states in  Joel 2:38, "I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."

I cannot contain the joy, for it truly is like a rushing wind going through me when I give in to Him, which is so easy to do when I feel His arms envelop me and He whispers, "it's alright my child, I am with you from everlasting to everlasting."  I may be alone in my life, but only for a greater purpose!  It's really the only way He can get my attention, help me get well, bring me up out of illness, a lonely life and restore me completely!  (I still dare you to look up what "confirm" means in 1 Corinthians 1:8!  That is a promise for all who believe!

So what is the plan today?  Mow the lawn?  Do the shopping?  Do the laundry?  Washing the dishes, cleaning the refrigerator for the new groceries, or maybe a hectic afternoon of little league games and trying to enjoy your family, or maybe the drudgery of cleaning the pool for the kids as you curse the equipment for not working quite right....all replaced by happy children splashing in the now clean waves 4 hours later?

Nobody said life was easy, but YES INDEED IT IS AN ADVENTURE!  You just have to learn to lean on God's arms before you look at your circumstances through the arm of the flesh which will just make you MISERABLE! 

We are called to "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  Just imagine how doing that would make you feel inside?  You will be filled with joy!  Now wouldn't that be much cooler than losing your cool at stupid stuff like I used to do?

Do everything you do, work, chores, fun, with a smile and a heart full of gratitude for just being alive, and I guarantee it can change your whole outlook!  So whether drudgery or fun, remember that "We (should) demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Now, Let's Play Ball and have the adventure of our lives today before being exhausted and content at such a fantastic day and give God the glory!

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JeriAnn Eakin