Monday, May 28, 2012

Their Sacrifice Paid for Our Freedom

Without the service and sacrifice of the Men and Women who proudly wear the Uniform of the United States Marines, the United States Air Force, the United States Navy, The United States Army  and the United States Coast Guard  we wouldn't have the kind of Freedom's that we so richly enjoy in this country and yet take for granted every day!

Please enjoy your Memorial Day, but please, also take the time to  Explain what Memorial Day is All About  to your kids and anyone else who will listen!  Tell them why we celebrate it and yet show humility in our celebrations because these men and women gave their very lives FOR US!

 While you're out there watching the burgers so they don't burn or you're in your kitchen worried that  your centerpiece is too big for the table, etc., rushing around to get everything ready to serve for your guests, stop for a few moments and really think about this! "Freedom Isn't Free!"   It always has a price doesn't it?  For some, the price has been way too high, so please pray for the Families of the Fallen today?  They will never fill the hole that has been left by their horrible loss.

Please remember the war isn't over so please consider committing to praying for just one soldier who is over there just once per day?  You don't have to know his name cause God already does!  He/she is just one more soldier out there who is still fighting for your rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" over in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world.  I think one prayer a day for just one Soldier is the least we can all do!

When you have all the chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs all grilled and ready to go, please make sure to put out your American Flags and say a special thanks to God for those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could all live in freedom!  They're valiant actions even unto death, made sure we would!  They died for US!  THEY DIED FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND EVERYONE WHO LIVES HERE!  For that they deserve and shall have our eternal thanks!
"For no greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."  (John 15:13)

God Bless The USA!

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JeriAnn Eakin