Saturday, May 5, 2012

Be Still and Know

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness shall be added unto you."   (Matthew 6:33).

Seeking God first is what we have been called to do as Christians, but have you ever stopped to think about that second part? 

In Ephesians 1:4, Paul outlines just a few of the blessings in store for believing Christians.  The blessings in store for us can't be counted, of course,  for they go into eternity with us, so how could their number have an end, but here is just a very short list of the best blessings!  I have rejoiced over and over reading these passages!   Here is what Paul said we could expect to attain as believers in Ephesians chapter 1: 
  • Chosen to be Holy and Blameless in Him before the Foundations of the World
  • Predestined to adoption as son's of God
  • Sons & Daughters of God through Christ
  • Forgiveness of our Sins
  • The Richness of His Grace
  • His Wisdom & Insight
  • He Reveals the Mystery of His Will to us
  • His kind intentions poured out on Believers through the mercy of Christ
  • We will Inherit the Kingdom of God through Christ
  • Predestined According to His Purpose
  • Sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of Promise
  • We are God's Possession
  • We have the Hope of His Calling
We Have the Hope of His Calling.  Wow.  If you read through the entire chapter of Ephesians 1, you will see these promises flowing from the page and I hope for the first time, you weigh what it means to have all of the above working for you!  For if God is for us, who can be against us?  (Romans 8:31).

You know something?  Some times God and all He has done for us just kinda leaves me a little speechless.  Thank you Jesus for your love, and for all You have done for us Lord!  Your ways are so wonderful...quiet our hearts Lord so that we may all have a word from You!  

Be blessed and have a terrific day everyone!  God Bless You All!

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JeriAnn Eakin