Sunday, May 20, 2012

Love Will Restore The Shining City on The Hill

"If we ever forget we are One Nation Under God, we will be a Nation gone under!"  Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of The United States of America.

Right now, more than ever in our life times, things are happening around us that are not just hard to understand, they are frighteningly similar to things some of us have been hearing all of our lives in Church.

There is a tension amongst certain groups of people that is really scary but totally describes what the bible says in Matthew 24 when Jesus said, "you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom."  We have had "nation against nation," in the 1st and 2nd World Wars, but I also know that Nation means "race," in the Greek, so the racial tension we are seeing is part of the "birth pangs," Jesus is talking about!  And what about the weather we've seen?  That should really give you all a clue!

But this racial tension, this class warfare with Occupy Wall Street where people have been raped, and now we have a murder on our hands out of the protest, along with millions of dollars in damage done by smashing windows, etc., and just plain ole behaving badly!  Some of those kids just want to WORK!  I don't want to say all of them are bad, because I know how hard it is for young people to get a job right now!  

We have racial tension, we have class warfare/division with so many out of work, and so many having more than we do.  It's hard not to be jealous but we must not covet what other people have!  It's a commandment, "Thou shalt not covet," is what it says!  

We are watching people be stricken, assaulted, raped, maimed even murdered in the Occupy movement, a young man named Trayvon killed in some sort of scuffle with an over zealous neighorhood watchman, two white reporters from the Virginian Pilot, sitting at a traffic light minding their own business when their car is surrounded by 30 black men who attacked them and then let's not forget the 19 yr old white teenager, who was just walking along minding his own business who was attacked by 2-3 young black men "for Trayvon," they said as they were beating him.  He was in the hospital in critical condition!  Some of these stories were not covered by the media and it was shocking that they weren't! 

It seems as though our country is caught up in a sort of unspoken civil war.  People with different political views, etc., clashing, not getting along, and of course those who are wealthy being demonized because they worked hard?  I've never heard of such a thing!  They may have more money, but how do you think we invented the middle class?  It's those companies that employ the middle class and give them the opportunity to do better in their lives, which most middle class people like me are happy with, because we know that without our bosses we wouldn't have a job.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH US AMERICA?  DO WE NOT SEE THAT THE HOUR IS LATE HERE?  Jesus said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  (John 13:34).

Honestly?  I am very frightened by some of this tension we see happening in our streets.  Greece is withdrawing money at an astounding rate, and they say they are not going to be able to keep up with it!  It's a run on the banks in Greece!  As of Friday they were hoping for some sort of help from Germany, but Greece's wealthiest people are leaving the country for more business friendly waters to save the money the government would no doubt try to punitively confiscate from them if they do stay!  (Sound familiar? Think Nazi Germany?) 

Remember to "be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:16).

Lord  give us the strength to admit we need Your help, and that Your divine providence is the only thing that can help our Nation now.  Help us to pray, teach others with patience, love others with even more patience, being Fishers of Men, and help us to always remember to pray for REVIVAL Lord!  That with the Help of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can once again be the "Shining City on the Hill as Ronald Reagan dreamed we would always be.

The sun hasn't gone down quite yet America!  Return to your faith!  Return to God!  He is calling your name!  Don't you hear Him yet?


Love will Restore the Shining City on the Hill!

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JeriAnn Eakin