Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Grace is Greater than Dysfunction

There is something that is on my heart tonight.  Dysfunctional families their households and the grip of fear that is within.  St. Peter once warned, "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  (1 Peter 5:8).

Are you living in a dysfunctional home?  Did you grow up in one and now you are afraid to even have children for fear you'll be just like your parents, or maybe you're already a parent and you have found yourself really losing it at your kids over something really minor?  

Trust me, I am the queen when it comes to killing a persons spirit, but it's because I never knew anything different, and I had to be healed by God first before I could see that.  I am grateful that He called me to account and I got a chance to tell my children how sorry I was for the things I was doing, the things I was saying and how I just wanted them to know that no matter what I said or did, that I loved them very much, and that I was working on fixing ME, and that there was NOTHING WRONG WITH THEM!   It was me who lived in an abusive cycle for years as a child and teenager and I didn't know how to break it, but they were going to be the ones to go through another cycle and I decided I couldn't let that happen.  I felt like I had to at least try to  undo what I had done and try to break its hold over my life!  It truly burdens and hurts my heart to think of people who are doing the same things that I did based on false belief systems and the pain of abuse they were brought up with. 

Let God be your father?  He will Father you correctly and will help heal your hurts, your sins will be wiped away, and you can start over, your whole family can start over, and even if you say, "No, it's too late, my kids are grown and don't want anything to do with me," I say hogwash!  It's NEVER TOO LATE TO SAY YOU ARE SORRY AND LET THEM SEE GOD'S LIGHT IN YOU AND CHANGING YOU!  BELIEVE ME, WHEN GOD IS SAVING YOU, PEOPLE NOTICE!  ESPECIALLY THOSE CLOSEST TO YOU!

I would always tell my children I was sorry when I would lose it and curse at them for stupid stuff like not picking up their toys, etc., etc., and my parenting skills, sad set that they were, it was all I had, so I sought help and found a few books on the subject.  I discovered a very important FACT!  For every one negative thing you say to your child about themselves, it takes saying 5 positive things to them about themselves to wipe out the one  negative!  And you should all take heed to this because  Jesus said,  "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"  (Matthew 19:14).

If you feel that you are going to lose it at your kids, stop, look up and ask God to help you break the chains that keep you in the flesh and not in the Spirit?  Whether you are a Christian or not, to harm a child, well, pay heed, for "It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin." (Luke 17:2). 

I do not say this to judge, but rather to nudge you toward the great blessings He holds in His hands, waiting to just dump them on your head!  Don't be a dummy!  (I've always wanted to say that! lol).  Do what I did, admit your sin, get down on your knees and ask God to break down the walls in your life, show you your sin and help you do better!  He will forgive you whatever you ask, whenever you ask and you should ask everyday because you are HUMAN and you are going to SIN BECAUSE YOU ARE HUMAN!  THERE AIN'T NOTHIN YOU CAN DO TO STOP IT!   So at least admit it?  Please?  For the sake of those who love you, and the people who work with you, the people who commute with you, and those in authority over you?  Get right with the Lord!  HE CAN FIX ANYTHING!  Let Him fix your relationship with your parents if it is possible, or pray that He works on it for you - leave it at His feet!  My parents are not just forgiven they are both now saved!  Remember, Miracles come in Can's, not Cant's!  (Joyce Meyer said that, and I'm passin it on! lol).

If He can reach down and fix me.....what could He do for you?  Have you asked Him lately?  Ask Him to remove your fleshly side, for even Paul commiserated that "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do," calling it the curse of the fleshly sin nature of all men.  DON'T LET THE FLESH WIN!  FIGHT THAT WILEY OLE DEVIL WITH THE WORD OF GOD!  


If you are a child/teenager living with abusive parents, there is help!  Contact Rocketown USA  for help!  Don't be afraid, for God is with you children!  Reach out your hands, never give up and be strong!  God wants to raise you up!  Help is on the way!

God bless those who read this Lord, and parents, God wants you to know that you are His children and He cherishes all of you too!  = )

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JeriAnn Eakin