Saturday, May 5, 2012

He Restores My Soul

It was difficult to write today, as the devil is always in the details, I guess he just couldn't resist seeing me spill water on the keyboard of my laptop!  I didn't do my usual insane dance though?  Usually, I  might throw a real temper tantrum, however, Instead of acting badly, I acted very rationally when normally, it would have really ruined my day and caused me to explode!   Thing is?  His peace is inside of me because I have read His word!  I read Psalm 91, which allowed me to claim His victory for me!   It was already mine, and I didn't even have to think about it!  

Now, I've already shared a few secrets with you, so here's one more!  I used to engage in road rage and I am not proud of it.  Now, I see the way I used to drive as a period of Grace that God walked through me with, for surely there were times I was acting really stupid!  So stupid that I finally paid a price!   I rolled my truck on an access road that runs along a stretch of highway that was my daily trek to work. I was hurt pretty bad, aching at home for 2 weeks to recover, so I learned my lesson once and and for all and no longer engage in that type of behavior.   I mean really, what's the point?   Getting there two seconds ahead of someone else really isn't that important, so why was I behaving like that?  I have no answer!

The road we travel is more than how we drive folks. It's the thought life we participate in, the broken relationships and our approval addictions that drive us down whichever road we decide to follow, especially if one presents itself to us that we didn't expect.    

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows".  (Luke 12:7).  

Let God be God.  Be still and KNOW THAT HE IS!  He wants to be your Savior!  That's what He came here for! 

He's saving me.  Let Him save you too will you?  Jesus loves you so much, you see "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10).

Please don't make rash choices?  Stop and remember the things that God has told you?  Remember that voice of reason within?  Keep your temper in check, because in these last days, the sanity you keep may just save your life!   For the love you show, is your ticket out of trouble!   He will protect you when you act rightly!  "Above all love one another, for love covers a multitude of sins."  (1 Peter 4:8).

If you are confused and lack direction for your Christian walk, or you are just getting started, ask God to speak!   Be still and Know that He IS God!  "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness shall be added unto you."  (Matt 6:33).

His Grace is Sufficient!  (2 Cor 12:9). I am already praying for God's miracle for someone reading this blog!  Fix it God!  Fix us all!

Restore our souls oh Lord and help us all to live like we believe!

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JeriAnn Eakin