Tuesday, May 15, 2012

People Sinking Down

I am truly burdened for people that are battling through the same sorts of issues that I have battled for several years.  Issues like pain, depression, anxiety, panic, all tools of the devil to keep me asleep in my sin, and unable to be used by God. 

It came to my attention that a person I don't even know, is suffering in a way that is causing them to just give up.  I don't know all of the circumstances, but I was in that same place just less than 4 weeks ago.  I was blessed though.  I started to see things in a different light and in that different light, I began to see all of my problems for what they really were.  Fear, anxiety, severe depression over my lack of ability to do anything about my situation, the pain that had me physically unable to even drive a car, take a shower, leave my home....I was in real trouble.  I had become so hopeless about my life, that I just wanted to die.  I was even crying out to God in my own pathetic little pity pot way asking Him to "Just take me out Lord!  I can't take another day of this pain, emotional torment and this aching in my heart to just come home."  But my attitude and belief system were all messed up!

Then something happened inside of me that I never expected would happen.  God reached into my 'pathetic, sad, sorry, loser, not gonna make a thing of myself life' and began to make my life into something beautiful.  He is turning me around in a big way, and has totally changed my mind, my heart and Glory to God, my attitude!  

He is making me the person I was always meant to be in Christ.  He is now using me to help others find Him, find peace and find joy in their lives, no matter what their situation!  You see, when we learn to live in humility and love God, trusting Him like a little child, things start to change in your life.  All I had to do was ask God "Please find me worthy."  WHOA - BE CAREFUL IN ASKING THAT!  HE WILL MAKE YOU WORTHY!  I am now starting to truly enjoy the moments of happiness that we all know and love, but I really can't wait for that permanent forever joy, happiness, peace, contentment and best of all, that perfect, unblemished, uncorruptible body!  WOO HOO! I don't know about you, but at 50?  I can hardly wait!

So do you see someone sinking down into a depression unlike anything you've ever seen?  They are either in a physical/chemical imbalance and need to seek treatment, or they need you to speak the Words of God in FAITH over them, to them, in your prayers about them, ask your prayer groups to pray for them, and then stand back and WATCH GOD MOVE!!!!!


"Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."  (Revelation 16:15)

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JeriAnn Eakin