Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Heart of Worship is Jesus!

Let Everything that Hath Breath Give Praise to The Lord!

Here are some fantastic songs of some of the greatest Christian Artists that we listen to tapping our feet to the radio in the car or in church, we lift our arms in praise to Glorify Him who brought us all together to give Praise to God!

We want to GLORIFY the Lord Jesus Christ by singing Praises and giving Him all the glory in our daily walk with Jesus!

Why Not Start Today? 

Today, "Above all" else, 
Let Us Him Give Him Praise & Glory!

I used to wonder why God would care about me?
I was a total mess and so ashamed!  But then through His blood I was made clean in His sight again because "Jesus Paid it All!" God paid for us with a "Pearl of Great Price" because to me He is priceless! 
God Bless You All & May You all Be Still and Know He is God!  Let the Word of God Speak to us all so we all hear what you need for us to hear!

Praise You Jesus!
We Love You Lord and we want to Serve Only You!
We can't wait to meet You on the Clouds!
Come Soon Lord Jesus!  Come Soon! 

He Is, so don't doubt Him or in His Power to Save You!  We now have Eternal Life through His Grace and by his Stripes we are Healed!

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JeriAnn Eakin