Friday, May 11, 2012

He Takes My Breath Away!

A little while back before I started this blog, or even heard the sermon that spurred it into existence, I had a strange feeling.  As I was watching all that is happening in the Middle East I was hearing a slight whisper that all I have read in the bible since I was a teenager is true, and not only was it true, it was beginning to occur right before my eyes!  As a fallen away Christian who has not been in the fellowship of other believers for over 10 years, I still love the Lord, always have and I do know His voice.  He was there and comforted me when my mother died a few years back and believe me, when you hear God's voice?  It is unmistakable.  

Anyway, I had begun to pray that God find me worthy on that day when he calls home His Bride, the Church!  My life was a total shambles!  My days were filled with depression, illness and pain, and I was truly hopeless.  Well, little did I know that the post I shared the other day on how He "confirms" us was for a reason, and God always has one.  It dawned on me tonight that in order to find me worthy, He has to first build me, mold me, shape me and make me truly 100% HIS!

As I was in prayer, I closed my eyes and was transported to a place of when the rapture occurs?  I know that sounds weird, but I was atop a pink, blue, purplish set of clouds, running into His arms!  It was SO VIVID, that I know in my heart that it is truly a promise of a thing to come!  I'm a little freaked out, cuz its as if the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are watching as I type!  Actually when I stop to think about it, it's not really that much of a stretch cause I can almost always feel the protection of His angels.  They are protecting me from the devil, but I still make mistakes.  

I always try to correct them by apologizing to the one I offended and to God for offending Him and as I do,  I am back at His feet again, learning, listening and sharing with you all.

I do hope you are all finding solace, hope, and above all, Jesus!

Oh Lord, I am so small, just a blade of grass that withers in the is it that I have found such favor...something we all share as Children of Yours...please let all who read these words have Your Breath of Life blown back into their hearts, filling them with joy, love and unspeakable hope as they begin to hear You speak!  Thank you Jesus for your heart, for your sharing it with us, and for dying for me!  You are the only thing that satisfies me Lord!  

Jesus?  You Take My Breath Away!

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JeriAnn Eakin