Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lost & Found

The testimony I am about to give is true.  I was a terrible mess until about 2 weeks ago.  Filled with panic disorder, even agoraphobia was taking over my life because of my illness.  I have Fibromyalgia and have been out of work since January 2008 and was recently diagnosed as having 6 small tumors on my thyroid and 3 MRI's which explained the pain in my back.  It is a birth defect known as spinal stenosis.  I guess that makes me still a bit of a mess, but God has assured me that nothing is impossible with Him, and He wants to restore me!

I have been living in pain, fear and anger.  I had a horrible childhood, rife with abuse, sexual, physical, emotional, etc., and the Devil has lied to me my whole life.  He really is a buzz kill you know that?  (So is being disobedient to God, but we'll save that for another post!  lol).

I was lost in my fear and anxiety for so long, that when God reached down, He had to reach really far!  I was praying for Him to "Just take me home Lord, I hate these people that you placed me on this earth with, and I just can't take any more of it God!"  I was acting like a spoiled rotten child and then I heard a sermon by Pastor John Hagee called "Shattered Dreams," and I asked God, "What would you have me do Lord?  I am so broken in my sin, and my strife, and my striving....Help me Jesus."  I just heard, "You're a Barnabus, you know what to do!"  And this site was born from that conversation, which really has been non stop since!  

Not only do I not need Xanax anymore, I am believing God for an even greater miracle and that is to be well again!  I want Him to reach down and heal me now instead of just giving up and going home!  And let me tell ya something else?  As long as this body has breath, I will praise God!

I was watching Pastor Chris Hill, the Founder of Chris Hill International Ministries and the Sr. Pastor of The Potter's House Denver at a Planet Shaker Ministries Conference in Melbourne Australia, and he was talking about how we don't get to be depressed or have pity parties or have low self esteem because we are made in God's image!  We are totally dissing Him for His wonderful Creation when we do that! He also reminded me that the bible says "Let everything that hath breath give Praise to God!"  (Ps 150:6).  God is breathing life back into my dead dry bones! (Ezekiel 37:4-6).  He has pulled me out of the pit of darkness to anoint me!  I am covered by His spirit and I cannot escape Him, not that I would want to, because what a joy it is to Sit at His Feet!  I ask every day, "How is it Lord that you have called me?  HOW ON EARTH DID I GARNER YOUR FAVOR LORD!"  I will now give Him praise and give Him the Glory in all that I do!  Do you have breath left?  THEN PRAISE HIM!  SEE WHAT GOD CAN DO!  HE WANTS TO RAISE YOU UP TOO!

Have you fallen away?  Have you met Jesus yet?  He accepts you just as you are, He loves you even with your faults, and He already died for your sins, so why not take Him up on His offer?  If I can trust the Lord and not need Xanax, and have victory over anxiety and fears that caused the worst panic attacks, oh my goodness, the devil was literally making me feel buried alive every time it got dark outside!  It was an INSANE thing to go through and I am glad now to be on the other side of it!  PRAISE YOU JESUS FOR YOUR RICH HEALING POWER!  

I can again move about outside without being in horrible fear, and you too can have the kind of awakening and joy that I am living now!  I was totally LOST!  But GOD FOUND ME AGAIN!  And believe me, when God calls you, you totally know it!  Like I said, there was nowhere for me to go!  I now cannot hide from His face!  God is Light, He is Love, He is Greater than he who is in the world, He gives me strength and peace that "surpasses all understanding!"  (Philippians 4:7).

Again, remember, "You were chosen from the foundations of the world, (think on that one for's heavy!), to be holy and blameless in Him!"  (Ephesians 1:4).

Step up to the plate Church!  The ball is coming your way!  Have a good eye and don't swing at a bad pitch!  The devil is a snare!  He is lying to you about yourself!  Don't listen to him!  Tell him that God loves you just the way you are, and to "in the name of Jesus, get away from me Devil!"  Ask God to remove the oppressive spirits upon you and throw off that blanket of sin and death, and rejoice in the promise of Eternal Life that only His blood makes possible!  You just have to believe John 3:16!  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son so that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life!"  

Hallelujah to the Lamb of God that was slain!  

This is MY CREED!  I hope you believe the same things I do!  God Bless You All!  Have a terrific day!

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JeriAnn Eakin